Months ago, when I got my first ultrasound, my OB/GYN recommended we go to SEE BABY in Atlanta if we wanted to do a 3D/4D ultrasound. (This is not usually covered by insurance unless there is a need) I was surprised when she told me the cost was only $60. When I had my second ultrasound, the technician recommended I schedule the 3D close to the 30 weeks mark. She said the baby still has enough room to move around and the chances of the face being smooshed are less.
Well, I am at week 28! I called just 2 days ago to schedule our 3D and to my delight, the cost was even lower. For $50, you get the "Debut Package" which includes 20 pictures sent via email to you. You can also bring a USB to the appointment and they will save them for you right there.
Unfortunately, the little Mexi-mouth was sleeping the whole time and had an arm right up against the face. I even got up and started jumping around, we were poking at my belly and nothing!
(sorry for the crappy phone picture)
Soooo....You kick all day long and won't wake up for a quick photo??
We are going to have some problems if this baby doesn't want to get in front of a camera:)
The tech emailed me several pictures, but the only one that wasn't totally alien-like** was this one:
A boy? Ernesto thinks so. I am undecided. I can see either. Ernesto was glad "he" doesn't have a long face. Haha! I love you mi amor! There does seem to be some nice lips and a cute button nose, just like mama! I don't want to toot my own horn...but I was a pretty darn cute baby!
Other stats:
- Our baby now weighs 2 pounds 7 oz.
- Still no negative symptoms/effects of pregnancy.
- I have gained 14 pounds so far...strangely enough, I lost .5 lb from my last visit 3 weeks ago??
- Placenta is attached to back of my uterus, which now stretches 29 centimeters up from pelvic bone
- The baby is in a head down position like this:
**We were offered another appointment for free in a few weeks just because the technician said that she knows she can get much clearer photos and that it's much easier to get these when baby is awake.
What great customer service SEE BABY! Thank you, yes, we will come back! I'll be 31 weeks!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Babies R [NOT] Us
Ernesto took this picture of me last week and I thought, wow! my belly looks a lot bigger in clothes
(as opposed to my weekly belly shots). Don't you think?
I have a feeling, there will be no chance of it looking small from here on out. I will start getting some different angles of 'the belly' in clothes for the next few months.
In other news:
The other day I received the invite to my Ohio baby shower in the mail. My sister in law, Barbie, made all of them by hand, and I literally squealed with pleasure when I opened it.
It is so pretty and so.....Cindy! Thank you so much Barbie for thinking of what I would like. They are perfect! The colors, the birdies...and feathers too?? LOVE IT!!
Because the shower is coming up in a just a couple weeks, (and another in San Diego a couple weeks after that) I knew I had better get going with a registry. I asked for suggestions from moms out there on Facebook and they came back with a nice long list. (Thanks ladies!)
I honestly thought my whole registry could be finished after browsing Target [online]. Target has some very stylish lines, and let's face it, Im not the most practical girl in the does matter to me. I want stuff that will make my life easier as a mom, but I want to like what it looks like as well.
Target actually has everything that I want/need, but much of it is not available in-store. Unfortunately, the reality is, many of my family members are probably not online shoppers, so I opted to register at Babies R Us too. Saturday morning I made the trek to the store [just outside Atlanta] and brought Ernesto with me....a family outing of sorts.
After one lap around, we knew that Babies R [NOT] Us. Don't get me wrong, Babies R Us has everything you need, and much more [that you may or may not need]. I found some essentials here, but the design of the bigger items left much to be desired...and the prices just made it worse. Turns out the website has a much bigger selection, I just can't figure out why they don't show these varied styles in store??
Must. find. stylish. gear. (without the big price tag!)
It's time to get creative folks.....3 months left...and the countdown begins!
(as opposed to my weekly belly shots). Don't you think?
{Last week at Piedmont Park} |
In other news:
The other day I received the invite to my Ohio baby shower in the mail. My sister in law, Barbie, made all of them by hand, and I literally squealed with pleasure when I opened it.
It is so pretty and so.....Cindy! Thank you so much Barbie for thinking of what I would like. They are perfect! The colors, the birdies...and feathers too?? LOVE IT!!
Because the shower is coming up in a just a couple weeks, (and another in San Diego a couple weeks after that) I knew I had better get going with a registry. I asked for suggestions from moms out there on Facebook and they came back with a nice long list. (Thanks ladies!)
I honestly thought my whole registry could be finished after browsing Target [online]. Target has some very stylish lines, and let's face it, Im not the most practical girl in the does matter to me. I want stuff that will make my life easier as a mom, but I want to like what it looks like as well.
Target actually has everything that I want/need, but much of it is not available in-store. Unfortunately, the reality is, many of my family members are probably not online shoppers, so I opted to register at Babies R Us too. Saturday morning I made the trek to the store [just outside Atlanta] and brought Ernesto with me....a family outing of sorts.
After one lap around, we knew that Babies R [NOT] Us. Don't get me wrong, Babies R Us has everything you need, and much more [that you may or may not need]. I found some essentials here, but the design of the bigger items left much to be desired...and the prices just made it worse. Turns out the website has a much bigger selection, I just can't figure out why they don't show these varied styles in store??
Must. find. stylish. gear. (without the big price tag!)
It's time to get creative folks.....3 months left...and the countdown begins!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
"OF COURSE I have heard of Pinterest," I told my friends when they asked! It is only the best way to catalog all of the photos you love online! I have been putting off starting my own account, because I have SO MANY inspiration photos saved on my computer that it seemed overwhelming to try and find the sources again and post to my new Pinterest account. However, slowly but surely, I am adding them.
The site is set up for browsing.....and browse you will.
WARNING: This site can be a time sucker!
If you are looking for ideas or inspiration on decorating, crafting, cooking, and design, then this is the place for you. You can search what others have "pinned" to their boards and of course add pictures from any site you see online. A great way to organize all of your inspiration. I don't have a lot posted yet, but feel free to check out my "boards" so far.
In case you didn't notice, my right sidebar looks quite different. I have been messing around with Photoshop and made several badges. Pinterest is one of them, so feel free to bounce over and check it out!
The site is set up for browsing.....and browse you will.
WARNING: This site can be a time sucker!
If you are looking for ideas or inspiration on decorating, crafting, cooking, and design, then this is the place for you. You can search what others have "pinned" to their boards and of course add pictures from any site you see online. A great way to organize all of your inspiration. I don't have a lot posted yet, but feel free to check out my "boards" so far.
In case you didn't notice, my right sidebar looks quite different. I have been messing around with Photoshop and made several badges. Pinterest is one of them, so feel free to bounce over and check it out!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Thursday, June 16, 2011
End of 2nd Trimester Photoshoot
My lovely niece Kelli, and her awesome boyfriend Avi, stopped in Atlanta to visit us on their little summer road trip. We had a great time cooking, walking around Atlanta, eating ice cream, and working out. We introduced them to a few tough Crossfit workouts and they did great! We had to wear these "kids" out so they would be tired with us at 10pm. Ha! Guess what? It worked!!
Kelli will be a junior at The Ohio State University, and is a very talented of her passions is photography, so we decided to do a little mini-photo shoot this morning before they got on the road back to Ohio. This week ends my 2nd trimester, I thought it was a good time to get some pictures of my belly....before it really gets huge. (Don't worry, I'll be sure to photograph that as well!)
I love how they turned out! Thanks so much Kelli!!
In this last one, I am pushing out my belly as far as I can! It should look like this in another month!
** photos taken on Krog and Irwin Streets in The Old 4th Ward
Kelli will be a junior at The Ohio State University, and is a very talented of her passions is photography, so we decided to do a little mini-photo shoot this morning before they got on the road back to Ohio. This week ends my 2nd trimester, I thought it was a good time to get some pictures of my belly....before it really gets huge. (Don't worry, I'll be sure to photograph that as well!)
I love how they turned out! Thanks so much Kelli!!
In this last one, I am pushing out my belly as far as I can! It should look like this in another month!
** photos taken on Krog and Irwin Streets in The Old 4th Ward
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Decisions on Baby Gear
I know I should be doing more research as to what "baby stuff" I would like to buy, but honestly, it is a bit uninspiring since we do not have a house yet. "Decorating the nursery" sounds like such fun, but I have to accept the possibility/probability that we will still be in our apartment when the little mexi-mouth is born.
With the help of my mother and sister, my sweet sister-in-law, Barbie, is heading up the "planning committee" for my baby shower coming up in July! This is really exciting, because Barbie is one of the best party-throwers out there. If you remember last year I shared her daughters one year birthday party here on Viva Cindy. It was so beautiful! She was all about the "details" and it did not go unnoticed! Everyone was very impressed! (no pressure Barb)
With the shower coming up in Ohio, and another in San Diego later this summer, I really need to get started with a registry....but it is TOUGH! Moms, would you agree? A first time mom-to-be is in a precarious position. All you have is the advice of others. Whether you get it from friends, family, blogs or forums, everyone has there own preferences, and everyone's child is different......soooo in the end you need to just jump, get some essentials and use trial and error once your bundle of joy arrives.
I am going to ask a few [recently new] moms to send me a list of their "top 10 must haves for newborn." Im not a big minimalist, but when it comes to baby stuff, minimalism will be my goal. I want to buy just what I need (due to space limitations) and add on from there. If you have a list, please leave in the comments of Viva Cindy, or send me an email!
From the little research I did do on my own, I am 99% decided on the following few items:
1. The Bob Revolution Stroller
Although the BOB is pricey, I have not read a bad review for it. I know it's heavy, I know it's not compact, I know an infant can't sit in this, but I still think it is a good fit for us!
Besides the many features that come standard, it has a converter so the car seat fits right in (for the first 5-6 months) just like a "travel system." The front wheel can be fixed or not, so its great for running or tooling around on sidewalks, trails, dirt and gravel which is exactly where I intend to use this bad boy. Since I am able to walk from my place to the doctor, the grocery store and many restaurants, I don't foresee our baby being in the car all that often. When baby is really little I am hoping to keep him/her close to us in a carrier whenever possible. I was thinking I can buy one of those Graco Snap & Go stroller bases to keep in the trunk. This way my car seat will fit into either stroller.
2. ERGO Baby Carrier
Geez! There are so many carriers out there. Baby Bjorn seems to be the most popular, however a friend of mine said she had BB and the ERGO and the ERGO won hands down. (thanks Aileen!) She said it provides much more support with the lower strap (hence the name ergo). I don't want Neto to hurt his back!
3. BOON Flare Highchair
I ran across the BOON highchair on one of the blogs I frequent and instantly fell in love. Mothers seem to love it for it's easy cleaning, one piece construction, and obviously for the style factor. It's straight out of the Jetsons! The height can be adjusted and the tray removed so you have a little toddler chair to pull up to the table when the time comes! I love this thing! I don't need right away, but it is on my list as a must have.
3. Baby Mod Olivia Crib
This Olivia crib caught my eye before I was even "with child." I had bookmarked it after seeing somewhere in the blogosphere. I really love the clean modern lines and the 2 toned wood.
I am 99% sure I want this crib.... IF I buy one brand new one. I am also inspired to buy a used one off Craigslist and paint it a non-traditional color. I have seen so many cute examples on the web.
We will see. If we are in our apartment in September, I wont be setting up a crib anyway. I will buy a bassinet for our bedroom.
This is what I have come up with so far. I know I need many more things, and like I said earlier, if you have a list of your must haves for newborn, please leave them in the comments.
With the help of my mother and sister, my sweet sister-in-law, Barbie, is heading up the "planning committee" for my baby shower coming up in July! This is really exciting, because Barbie is one of the best party-throwers out there. If you remember last year I shared her daughters one year birthday party here on Viva Cindy. It was so beautiful! She was all about the "details" and it did not go unnoticed! Everyone was very impressed! (no pressure Barb)
With the shower coming up in Ohio, and another in San Diego later this summer, I really need to get started with a registry....but it is TOUGH! Moms, would you agree? A first time mom-to-be is in a precarious position. All you have is the advice of others. Whether you get it from friends, family, blogs or forums, everyone has there own preferences, and everyone's child is different......soooo in the end you need to just jump, get some essentials and use trial and error once your bundle of joy arrives.
I am going to ask a few [recently new] moms to send me a list of their "top 10 must haves for newborn." Im not a big minimalist, but when it comes to baby stuff, minimalism will be my goal. I want to buy just what I need (due to space limitations) and add on from there. If you have a list, please leave in the comments of Viva Cindy, or send me an email!
From the little research I did do on my own, I am 99% decided on the following few items:
1. The Bob Revolution Stroller
Although the BOB is pricey, I have not read a bad review for it. I know it's heavy, I know it's not compact, I know an infant can't sit in this, but I still think it is a good fit for us!
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Bob Revolution Stroller |
2. ERGO Baby Carrier
Geez! There are so many carriers out there. Baby Bjorn seems to be the most popular, however a friend of mine said she had BB and the ERGO and the ERGO won hands down. (thanks Aileen!) She said it provides much more support with the lower strap (hence the name ergo). I don't want Neto to hurt his back!
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ERGO Carrier |
3. BOON Flare Highchair
I ran across the BOON highchair on one of the blogs I frequent and instantly fell in love. Mothers seem to love it for it's easy cleaning, one piece construction, and obviously for the style factor. It's straight out of the Jetsons! The height can be adjusted and the tray removed so you have a little toddler chair to pull up to the table when the time comes! I love this thing! I don't need right away, but it is on my list as a must have.
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BOON Flare Highchair |
3. Baby Mod Olivia Crib
This Olivia crib caught my eye before I was even "with child." I had bookmarked it after seeing somewhere in the blogosphere. I really love the clean modern lines and the 2 toned wood.
Baby Mod Olivia Crib |
We will see. If we are in our apartment in September, I wont be setting up a crib anyway. I will buy a bassinet for our bedroom.
This is what I have come up with so far. I know I need many more things, and like I said earlier, if you have a list of your must haves for newborn, please leave them in the comments.
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Weekend: Scott's Antique Market
Hi Everyone! I hope you had a nice weekend. Mine was relaxing, hanging out with friends, shopping and walking/house hunting with Ernesto. (nothing yet...)
On Saturday, Smita, Lucy, Liz and I went to check out Scott's Antique Market. Ernesto and I went a looooong time ago when it was still at Fort McPherson. It's now located south of Atlanta in Jonesboro at the Atlanta Expo Center. Held on the 2nd weekend of every month, the market is an event. It is so big, it took us 4 hours and we only got through one building.
Ernesto's last words as I stepped out of the house with my girlfriends was "Don't bring home and shit!" ha!
I did see several things I wanted to bring home, but I resisted, because really I don't have anywhere to put new things. I will, however, be coming back to Scott's with a truck once we buy our house.
It's probably harder when you have a certain something in mind. For example lucy wanted a milk glass cake stand and an old gold watch. Seh didn't find either. I wasn't looking for anything specific, but I went home with more inspiration for decorating. Like I need any more.....
LOVE this chandelier! And the one below, wouldn't it be sweet in the baby's room?
One vendor had a huge stack of coffee bags from around the world. Only $5 each. I have been seeing tons of upholstery projects using burlap. Wouldn't this make a great footstool?
Once we have an extra room for our office/my jewelry studio, I am buying one of these old map drawers!
I saw this white one and was sad that I couldn't get it....although the price needed to be bargained down from $300 asking price.
I am always on the lookout for rugs and Im in love with antique persians (or replicas) This one was a perfect mix of orange, pinks and gold, which you don't see as often as all the shades of red. (not my color) It was a fair price too at $100.
This wire chair would look so great with my little sheepskin over it.
I would love to redo this tufted bench with a bright color. Vendor was asking $90 but I'm sure whe would have come down. You must bargain!
These chairs were the coolest. I nver did get a price which is probably a good thing. They were heavy, I would say solid brass and the leather was soft. I think they are so unique. I love the greek key shaped arms.
Of course the tulip chairs caught my eye, but these, along with much of the mid-century pieces I saw there, were quite expensive. With constant stalking on Craigslist though, you can find some good pieces for less!
There were also a TON of vendors with jewelry. There was inexpesive [but fun] costume jewelry and then there were all the antique dealers. I scanned those booths for Art Deco pieces and this caught my eye.
A platinum Art Deco beauty from the 1920's-30's. It has 3 center diamonds and sapphire accents. You know we are having a sapphire baby, right??? Wouldn't this be a great gift for the new mother? This is definately the shape I am looking for, but I would rather have one or two of the center stones be sapphire instead of diamonds. (just in case you are reading this mi amorrrrrrr :)
If you live in Atlanta,or close to it, you will want to check out Scott's! It's the second weekend of everymonth. You can find all the info on their website.
On Saturday, Smita, Lucy, Liz and I went to check out Scott's Antique Market. Ernesto and I went a looooong time ago when it was still at Fort McPherson. It's now located south of Atlanta in Jonesboro at the Atlanta Expo Center. Held on the 2nd weekend of every month, the market is an event. It is so big, it took us 4 hours and we only got through one building.
Ernesto's last words as I stepped out of the house with my girlfriends was "Don't bring home and shit!" ha!
I did see several things I wanted to bring home, but I resisted, because really I don't have anywhere to put new things. I will, however, be coming back to Scott's with a truck once we buy our house.
It's probably harder when you have a certain something in mind. For example lucy wanted a milk glass cake stand and an old gold watch. Seh didn't find either. I wasn't looking for anything specific, but I went home with more inspiration for decorating. Like I need any more.....
LOVE this chandelier! And the one below, wouldn't it be sweet in the baby's room?
One vendor had a huge stack of coffee bags from around the world. Only $5 each. I have been seeing tons of upholstery projects using burlap. Wouldn't this make a great footstool?
Once we have an extra room for our office/my jewelry studio, I am buying one of these old map drawers!
I saw this white one and was sad that I couldn't get it....although the price needed to be bargained down from $300 asking price.
I am always on the lookout for rugs and Im in love with antique persians (or replicas) This one was a perfect mix of orange, pinks and gold, which you don't see as often as all the shades of red. (not my color) It was a fair price too at $100.
This wire chair would look so great with my little sheepskin over it.
I would love to redo this tufted bench with a bright color. Vendor was asking $90 but I'm sure whe would have come down. You must bargain!
These chairs were the coolest. I nver did get a price which is probably a good thing. They were heavy, I would say solid brass and the leather was soft. I think they are so unique. I love the greek key shaped arms.
Of course the tulip chairs caught my eye, but these, along with much of the mid-century pieces I saw there, were quite expensive. With constant stalking on Craigslist though, you can find some good pieces for less!
There were also a TON of vendors with jewelry. There was inexpesive [but fun] costume jewelry and then there were all the antique dealers. I scanned those booths for Art Deco pieces and this caught my eye.
A platinum Art Deco beauty from the 1920's-30's. It has 3 center diamonds and sapphire accents. You know we are having a sapphire baby, right??? Wouldn't this be a great gift for the new mother? This is definately the shape I am looking for, but I would rather have one or two of the center stones be sapphire instead of diamonds. (just in case you are reading this mi amorrrrrrr :)
If you live in Atlanta,or close to it, you will want to check out Scott's! It's the second weekend of everymonth. You can find all the info on their website.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Today marks 10 years since Ernesto and I were married! Wow! How time flies!
I tried to wrap up 12 years in a 5 minute video. I played it for Ernesto this morning and he loved it!
"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers." ~Ruth Bell Graham
I tried to wrap up 12 years in a 5 minute video. I played it for Ernesto this morning and he loved it!
"A happy marriage is the union of two good forgivers." ~Ruth Bell Graham
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
THAILAND PART III: Daytrips Outside Bangkok
After planning the logistics for the whole Thailand trip, I was quite happy that Ernesto took the initiative to pick some things out of our travel guide. We are both very easy-going travelers, and I would say this is the reason we rarely get annoyed with each other when on a trip. We have a good system down.
He is the navigator. I am the follower. I like to read the guide book to see what there is to do, but when it comes down to it, Ernesto is great with directions/maps and I trust 100% that he will make sure we have a good time, no matter what we do. Bottom line: I have no problems letting go of the planning.
In the guide book, I had not even noticed the small provincial town of Lopburi, just a 2.5 hour train ride outside of Bangkok. The town is known for its sunflower fields, coconut jelly and rattan furniture and palace ruins. None of these though, are what drew us to Lopburi. We visited to meet the most notorious residents of the town. We went to meet the monkeys.
Upon exiting the train station you are greeted with this monument and tales of the ancient city, one of Thailand's oldest.
If you continue walking down the main street in the town, you will start to notice them. The monkeys. At first you'll just see a few on the sidewalk, but when you stop and take a closer look around you will notice them many monkeys can you find in the picture?
You would think we so many monkeys running around that there would be some fatalities, but the people hold the monkeys sacred and would never intentionally harm them. As a matter of fact, every November there is a festival that celebrates the monkeys. The townspeople set up a buffet for the monkeys and just let them feast. This event draws thousands of visitors, and I can see why. That would be so cool to witness.
When we ended up in front of the Phra Prang Sam Yot monument, we figured out the the rest of the monkeys hang out here.
The monument itself is very impressive. It dates back to the 11th-13th centuries! It has three "prangs" connected by narrow corridors. We were able to walk inside, but the Buddha statues that once were there have been moved to the towns' museum.
There is a great statue outside. Notice the little baby monkey sleeping in Buddhas arms.
This is probably my best picture. I love how the Buddha is blurred in the background.
Of course we were warned to keep any food or water bottles out of sight because the monkeys are not in the least bit shy. They will take anything they can get their hands on!
Ernesto had the camera con "continuous shot" and I love this sequence...check out how my facial expressions change.
Yet another of the ancient ruins is Ban Luang Rap Ratchathut. It was ordered to be built by King Narai the Great as a residences for foreign envoys and priests. It covered a lot of space [within 4 tall brick walls] and had so many nooks and crannies. A great place for a photo shoot.
The monkeys were close by all the while.
And finally, after passing up these delicious looking grilled bananas we kept passing on the street, I stopped and ordered some! They are grilled to perfection, (not too mushy) and served with a coconut-sugar cane dipping sauce.
Que Rico!!
A small bag of them only cost about 35 cents. I stopped and bought from her twice! Before catching the train back to Bangkok we stopped at a friendly looking hangout called Noom Guest House. We whipped out our deck of cards and played for a couple hours over a couple drinks. (Ernesto-beer. Me-water, of course.)
This was one of our best days! I highly recomment taking a day trip to Lopburi!
Day trip #2: Damnoen Saduak Floating Markets The other daytrip, and something I had to see, was to the floating markets. I had seen the pictures before, and it was part of the lure of coming to Thailand. Although these markets originated in times where water transport played an important role in daily life, most floating markets operate today as tourist attractions. Still it's a peek into the old traditional way of selling vegetables, fruits, etc from a small wood boat. Hiring a boat is a must as it allows you to take in the sights, sounds and smells of the market and experience buying the local fruit and vegetables first hand.
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market (2 hours by bus from Bangkok) is one of the most famously known floating markets. I knew it was going to be touristy, still wanted to see for myself. Riding in the longtails through the canals was cool enough. At parts it was wide and some canals were very narrow.
Many companies sell tours from Bangkok including transportation and boat ride through the canals. Most of these tours cost between 2500-4000 baht! ($80-$130) Read: rip-off! Speaking of rip-offs... When you are heading to a "major tourist destination" you must be ready to bargain, and look past all of the touristy crap to see the authenticity of the place. Case in point: these cheesy souvenirs were widely available.
The below store, although it had some definite cheese, we looked beyond it, and spotted a beautiful teak wood carving. We bargained of course....she was asking a ridiculous price and we got her down to a 1/4 of where she started. (**funny story about our one and only souvenir at the end)
Tip: You don't need to book this as a tour folks!! Go to the south bus terminal in Bangkok and by a ticket for $4. It will drop you at the canals where you can then find a boat to hire. There you will need to bargain to get a good price for the boat too. The first price we were quoted was 1500 baht for one hour, we knew that was ridiculous (Lonely Planet said 300 bht pp was a good price) and so we bargained them down to 600 total. That's right! Total cost of trip when booked yourself = $35.
Alos, make sure that you go early, we arrived around noon-1pm and they were wrapping up.
Thailand was such a wonderful trip! We are so glad we made it happen! This was one that needed to be squeezed in before baby. I don't want to say it's our last trip, but I don't see any more trips around the globe for a while. Bitter-sweet!
** The wood carving that we paid $60 for, was left on the bus back to Bangkok. We didn't realize until until 2 hours later that we didn't have it in our possession. We took a taxi back to the bus station to find out that the bus had left to go back to the markets and would not be back until morning. We were leaving at 5am. UGH! We paid a taxi driver to take us back to the markets to pick up the carving and then back to our hotel. Another $60! Not bad for a 2.5 hour trip, but it did end up doubling the price of our souvenir. It looks beautiful in our place though, so I am glad we went back for it!
He is the navigator. I am the follower. I like to read the guide book to see what there is to do, but when it comes down to it, Ernesto is great with directions/maps and I trust 100% that he will make sure we have a good time, no matter what we do. Bottom line: I have no problems letting go of the planning.
In the guide book, I had not even noticed the small provincial town of Lopburi, just a 2.5 hour train ride outside of Bangkok. The town is known for its sunflower fields, coconut jelly and rattan furniture and palace ruins. None of these though, are what drew us to Lopburi. We visited to meet the most notorious residents of the town. We went to meet the monkeys.
Upon exiting the train station you are greeted with this monument and tales of the ancient city, one of Thailand's oldest.
You would think we so many monkeys running around that there would be some fatalities, but the people hold the monkeys sacred and would never intentionally harm them. As a matter of fact, every November there is a festival that celebrates the monkeys. The townspeople set up a buffet for the monkeys and just let them feast. This event draws thousands of visitors, and I can see why. That would be so cool to witness.
When we ended up in front of the Phra Prang Sam Yot monument, we figured out the the rest of the monkeys hang out here.
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{Phra Prang Sam Yot} |
There is a great statue outside. Notice the little baby monkey sleeping in Buddhas arms.
This is probably my best picture. I love how the Buddha is blurred in the background.
Of course we were warned to keep any food or water bottles out of sight because the monkeys are not in the least bit shy. They will take anything they can get their hands on!
Ernesto had the camera con "continuous shot" and I love this sequence...check out how my facial expressions change.
Yet another of the ancient ruins is Ban Luang Rap Ratchathut. It was ordered to be built by King Narai the Great as a residences for foreign envoys and priests. It covered a lot of space [within 4 tall brick walls] and had so many nooks and crannies. A great place for a photo shoot.
For lunch we stopped in for a noodle bowl at a tiny corner shop. No menu. No name.
On the tables of most Thai restaurants, there are glass jars with 4 condiments: dry chili, vinegar with fresh chiles, fish sauce and white sugar.
{picture taken from our seats in the restaurant} |
Damnoen Saduak Floating Market (2 hours by bus from Bangkok) is one of the most famously known floating markets. I knew it was going to be touristy, still wanted to see for myself. Riding in the longtails through the canals was cool enough. At parts it was wide and some canals were very narrow.
Many companies sell tours from Bangkok including transportation and boat ride through the canals. Most of these tours cost between 2500-4000 baht! ($80-$130) Read: rip-off! Speaking of rip-offs... When you are heading to a "major tourist destination" you must be ready to bargain, and look past all of the touristy crap to see the authenticity of the place. Case in point: these cheesy souvenirs were widely available.
The below store, although it had some definite cheese, we looked beyond it, and spotted a beautiful teak wood carving. We bargained of course....she was asking a ridiculous price and we got her down to a 1/4 of where she started. (**funny story about our one and only souvenir at the end)
Tip: You don't need to book this as a tour folks!! Go to the south bus terminal in Bangkok and by a ticket for $4. It will drop you at the canals where you can then find a boat to hire. There you will need to bargain to get a good price for the boat too. The first price we were quoted was 1500 baht for one hour, we knew that was ridiculous (Lonely Planet said 300 bht pp was a good price) and so we bargained them down to 600 total. That's right! Total cost of trip when booked yourself = $35.
Alos, make sure that you go early, we arrived around noon-1pm and they were wrapping up.
Thailand was such a wonderful trip! We are so glad we made it happen! This was one that needed to be squeezed in before baby. I don't want to say it's our last trip, but I don't see any more trips around the globe for a while. Bitter-sweet!
** The wood carving that we paid $60 for, was left on the bus back to Bangkok. We didn't realize until until 2 hours later that we didn't have it in our possession. We took a taxi back to the bus station to find out that the bus had left to go back to the markets and would not be back until morning. We were leaving at 5am. UGH! We paid a taxi driver to take us back to the markets to pick up the carving and then back to our hotel. Another $60! Not bad for a 2.5 hour trip, but it did end up doubling the price of our souvenir. It looks beautiful in our place though, so I am glad we went back for it!
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