Saturday, March 28, 2015
21 Months {Marcelo's Monthly Photo}
Friday, March 27, 2015
House To-Do List
Happy Friday!! There are so many house projects we want to complete, and so little time. I'm not getting much farther than the initial “I want to do it” phase. I can make all kinds of excuses (two of them are upstairs sleeping right now), but that’s neither here nor there. The plan? A to-do list! That will get things moving along right? Actually this will overwhelm Ernesto, but it's better that I write it out, because, if I was talking to him, he would not listen for more than a few items.
Here’s what you can expect to see us working on this year.
(I started this list a couple months ago, so some of the tasks are already crossed off the list. That makes me feel accomplished, so I left them on the list!)
* Cabinets professionally painted and new hardware (scheduled for April)
* New window shades
* New pendant lights
* Find Persian/vintage rug
* New light and vanity (see plan here)
* Wallpaper
* Organize/style shelves
* Add sheepskins to chairs
* Wax n Feed table
* New couch
* Move [now tv stand] nightstands up to my bedroom and find new piece for tv
* Sew slipcover for ottoman
* Get bed reupholstered (must find fabric first!)
* Finish painting
* Build floating frame for Indian tapestry (Ernesto obvs)
* Put up ceiling medallion and re-wire vintage chandelier
* Hang artwork
* Find HUGE rug
* Paint house (color undecided)
* Install shutters on windows
* Install patio in back yard (installing going on now-post coming!)
* Turn weeds back into grass or relay sod
* Plant bushes/move trees
* Finish compost pile
* Gravel under deck
* Hang new house numbers
* New front door
* New porch lights
* More blue pots
* New porch swing cushion
* New sconces in stairwell
* Paint wide horizontal stripes in stairwell
* New roman shades in 2 bedrooms (purchased but need installed yet)
* Finish painting spindle beds for boys room
* Frame artwork [that was found curbside]
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Our Florida Road Trip -Weeki Wachee
Whenever Tim and Ernesto are together, delicious food is created! How about starting offf with shrimp and fish ceviche? The main course? Fish tacos with a freshly roasted salsa. Oh My!! I may have had one too many tacos, because this was the excitement that ensued after dinner.
My brother and I are notoriously out by 9pm.
Mateo wanted to do EVERYTHING with his big cousin Noah. And Marcelo wanted to was all into the soccer ball Noah brought.
Also, my garden was really starting to pop up.
So excited to garden! Sprfing is here and one of my favorite trees is blooming all over Atlanta! Garden updates to come...stay tuned!
Friday, March 13, 2015
A Project + An Aquisition + A Road Trip
This week was pretty awesome at Casa Espinoza. The weather was good, so we were outside a lot. Ernesto and I went running, cruised around the zoo with the kids, and made many trips to the playground. We grilled out and I made my favorite kale soup. We also worked outside in the garden. Spring is here!
Our back yard is getting an overhaul this year, starting by killing all of the weeds and the few blades of grass that remain after laying sod two years ago. I hate to point fingers, but Ernesto fertilized the young grass too early and it was all downhill from there. I don't even want to show you an "after" picture. This is the "before" and is our goal to get back to.
We are going to lay yet another blanket of sod, but prepare the dirt better this time. And we are going to school ourselves in the proper care of bermuda grass.
My compost bin is FINALLY up and running. (thanks mi amor!) After a year of talking about it, and three months with the pallets just sitting under the deck waiting to be constructed, my husband got on it! It's not the prettiest compost bin in the world, but guess what? It does exactly what it is supposed to. It holds compost.
Also, I wish it was double this size, but beggars can't be choosers. We have a small yard and this little corner near the deck doesn't take up any of the "living" space, so it's the perfect spot. Bonus: it's convenient! I can empty my bucket by just throwing it over the deck into the bin. Done and done.
Hopefully, I will be covering my plants with this gold come Fall! It really just feels good to not being throwing all of that stuff in our trash can anymore. It seems like such a waste. I mean, I am a gardener and we accumulate A LOT of compost in our house. How can I not? Have you guys ever thought about composting, or do you already? I would love to hear any tips!
In other news...I am happy to report that I was successful in arranging a pick up for the brass chairs from ASHEVILLE! Yes, my addiction has reached into its 4th state.
Please, for a moment, just try to look past the faux leather seats and check out the AWESOMENESS that is the square brass frames!!! So good! One thing I will say is that I wish they were solid brass, but maybe that is asking too much. Still though, I know they are worth a pretty penny. Im not going to make the same mistake I made with my last set of Milo Baughman dining chairs. (still kicking myself!)
In even more exciting news (to us!), we left for Florida this morning at 445AM. We packed up the car Thursday night and loaded the sleeping kids into the car in their pajamas in the morning. With coffee in hand, we were off on our first road trip of the year!
Last year my parents rented a little rustic cabin on the Weeki Wachee River in Florida (just north of Tampa) for a month. We spent a week with them and had such a great time, so when they told us they were renting it again, we planned a visit.
It was yet another easy road trip with kids. Sleeping, snacks, and a couple movies made the time go by quickly. We arrived by noon and were out on the kayaks later that afternoon. A proper post with TONS of fun pictures will bee coming your way once we get back home! Until then, have a great week! Adios!
Friday, March 06, 2015
Dear Marcelo

Querido Marcelo
It has been a while since I wrote you mi amor, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about it. You y tu hermano keep mami soooooo busy, but I keep all the fun details on a notes page in my phone so I don't forget until I get it to the bloggy blog.
Important details like your first haircut:
Of course, four months later we are back to the original mexi-mullet that is obviously a signature Espinoza style. (so
I also recorded the first time you went pee pee in the potty. (which was just last week) You were so proud of yourself. I would not say you are ready for official potty training yet, but you are interested in the potty.

Marcelo, my funny Marcelo. You are a walking, talking machine. At 18 months you were saying over 40 words.
Now, at 20 months you are belting out new ones
I can't keep up, because now you are just repeating everything. Here's a list of some I remember.
Tunnel, hustle, egg, tree, dough, candle, teeth, paste, please, Annie, India, tight, Rob, kitchen, couch, shoe, pasas, si, hug, tickle, hug, painting, map, ham, toe, loud, green, coffee. coff coff, bingo, body, butter, hat, toast, meat, ding-dong, beer, fishy, honey, O-H-I-O, down, [te] cais, Frosty, potty, cool, gracias, hey dude, oh-maaaaaaan, to name a few.
This amazes us, because your big brother was only saying a couple words at your age. (of course now he won't be quiet!)
You recently started saying "thanks." Only it doesn't sound anything like thanks. It is more like "geets." Everything we ask you is "No geets." Ernesto and I can't stop saying it to each other either. I think this one is going to stick. It's hilarious.
Yep, no geets, or si. You do actually say "si," but it is most commonly communicated by an exaggerated nod of the head... like so...
More word play:

Speaking of your elephante, it has a chuper (pacifier) connected to it. You still love that thing . It was my "plan" to take it away at 18 months (like we did with tu hermano) pero you are waaaaaay more attached than he was. Before you just used it to sleep, but when you were teething last month, you started to carry it around. I do think "out of sight, out of mind" is the case with stopping the chuper, however when we are in the car and you are tired, this magical piece of rubber (bpa free of course!) is the difference between falling asleep in one minute or crying until we get home. You suck away mi amor, I'll let you have it a little longer.
You are so friendly. In the grocery store or walking down the street, you will say "hi" to anyone who will listen. If they don't listen, you will continue to yell "hi hi hi hi hi" until you get a response.
(You may have gotten your mami's persistance.)
You LOVE books! You can sit and flip though them on your own for quite a while, but will usually bring one to me and climb on my lap. You love Hand Hand Fingers Thumb and Miss Spiders Tea Party and .....I won't go on because the list is too long. Books! You love Books!