Amsterdam is the coolest city!! Even though this was my third time visiting, I appreciated it so much more. The bikes are the best part. EVERYONE rides a bike, no matter what they are wearing. Men in suits and women in skirts. I LOVE IT!!

Of course I ended up saying what I always say when I visit europe (or anywhere else) "Oh I could live here" Here is the view out our apartment window. Gorgeous!

Smita and I flew over (business class, of course) to meet her sister Nameeta. She is a producer in India and had a museum exhibit opening in Amsterdam. She had been working on this for months....along with the Trompin Museum, she recreated the city of Mumbai. It was unbeleivable. They actually shipped every little , and big thing over from India. (an actual taxi and rickshaw) This is a replication in the museum of one of the many "god shops" (obviously, not the proper name) you would see on the streets of Mumbai.

Here we are at the tram stop: Smita, Nameeta and her husband Ajay.