Mateo went sled riding for the first time and was totally neutral about it. He didn't laugh, nor did he cry. (same reaction as the Santa Claus experience a couple weeks earlier) We took turns pulling him around in our make shift sled (ie: Rubbermaid tub) and tried to make him crack a smile.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Winter Wonderland
Ohio came through [again] with a beautiful white Christmas. I love being cozy inside (yes, in my pajamas) and looking out at the snow falling. My parents back yard is filled with trees so the view is really a winter wonderland.
Mateo went sled riding for the first time and was totally neutral about it. He didn't laugh, nor did he cry. (same reaction as the Santa Claus experience a couple weeks earlier) We took turns pulling him around in our make shift sled (ie: Rubbermaid tub) and tried to make him crack a smile.
Mateo went sled riding for the first time and was totally neutral about it. He didn't laugh, nor did he cry. (same reaction as the Santa Claus experience a couple weeks earlier) We took turns pulling him around in our make shift sled (ie: Rubbermaid tub) and tried to make him crack a smile.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
15 Months Old {Mateo's Monthly Photo}
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas, Christmas Time is Near
We are just one week away from Christmas, can you believe it? I can. It is around this time every year that we actually start enjoying the season. Don't get me wrong, we love making money and the craziness that goes along with our Christmas lighting business, but we are always sooooooo ready for it all to come to an end so we can spend quality time together again...and do what Espinoza's do best. Relax of course.
We did some Christmas shopping and ate lunch at the Tavern at Phipps (delicious!)
Since we are heading to Ohio this week for a white Christmas (I hope!) we needed to find our little Mexi-can something warm to wear. We found these 2 coats at the Gap and could hardly choose, they were both so cute.
My favorite was the hooded one with fur, and Ernesto's was the leather bomber. Needless to say we bought my favorite. If we were just shopping for Atlanta's winter I think the leather would've been perfect, but the other is definitely made for the cold.
Bonus: It was on sale with an extra 30% off of that. That sounds great, but it was still more than I would usually pay for kids clothes, but the cuteness really got me this time.
We ran into Toys R Us to let Mateo "show us" what he wants. There was no question that his favorite thing in the whole store was this Mini Cooper.
He cried when we left. No, we are not buying the over priced motorized car, but we may have to come up with a fun alternative. He was having so much fun! This boy loves cars and tooting horns.

Monday, December 17, 2012
My Christmas Wish List to Neto
Ernesto always says he has a hard time buying for me, and I think what? I am so easy. Cozy clothes and garden stuff would make me happy anytime.
I can always count on a set of sexy underwear from Victoria Secret, which I love, because I would never spend that much on underwear.
I thought I would give you some easy ideas mi amor:
We have been talking about getting bikes for each other and a trailer for Mateo. I am loving this Windsor Oxford bike. (and there is a guys version for you too!)
The reviews are great and it comes in fabulous colors. Throw a basket
on the front and a rack on the back and we will be ready for family
rides to Piedmont Park on the Belt Line.
Of course we have no place to put our bikes until we finish our
backyard overhaul (starting in Feb) so maybe we should wait on these
bikes....This can be a spring present to ourselves.
Ok moving on........
How about a Vitamix then? Yes another gift that is really for both of us. Isn't that nice of me?
This thing is a powerhorse, built to last a lifetime. Yes, it's is pricy, but we use our blender daily, so that is justification. Also, on the Vitamix site they have reconditioned models for $329! (That is a big savings mi amor)
Ok this next one is soley for me (although you will enjoy the results):
I can always count on a set of sexy underwear from Victoria Secret, which I love, because I would never spend that much on underwear.
I thought I would give you some easy ideas mi amor:
We have been talking about getting bikes for each other and a trailer for Mateo. I am loving this Windsor Oxford bike. (and there is a guys version for you too!)
Windsor Oxford 3 Speed Bike |
Ok moving on........
How about a Vitamix then? Yes another gift that is really for both of us. Isn't that nice of me?
Ok this next one is soley for me (although you will enjoy the results):
Canon 430EX II Speedlite
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
It's in there!

In June 2013 we will welcome another little bebé Espinoza. As you can see in the ultrasound [taken at week 11] there are not twins in there. Darn it!
I am feeling great! No morning sickness and after a month of being really tired, I am back to normal energy levels. That being said, I go to bed very early every night.
No, we will not find out the sex. What? And spoil the Best. Surprise. Ever.
The due date is actually my sisters birthday, so boy or girl, we'll have to name the baby Fred in her honor.
Yesterday marked 13 weeks and so the belly journal has started. Although there is not much of a belly bump yet, something is going on. Just like last time, I can't wait for my belly to get big. This next month is the awkward stage since the little bump could actually be mistaken as a gut (gasp!) instead of a baby. I remember pushing my stomach out [with Mateo] while going on a walk in my spandex just so people would be sure there was a baby in there! haha
While pregnant last time I wrote this belly journal and it's so cool to look back on how my belly grew and what was happening in our lives every week of my pregnancy. I will use the same concept, but my pictures will be a little different style this go around. You'll have to wait and see.
In other news, we are actually finishing up xmas lights in the next couple days, although there are bound to be a few stragglers. As of now, Thursday is Ernesto's last day with bookings and boy is he ready to be done. (me too!) I want my personal chef back!
Just kidding.
Really, I miss him being home with me so much and I know Mateo does too. Every night when Ernesto is 2 minutes from the house he calls so Mateo and I can go out on the porch and wait for him. He honks the horn around the corner so we know he's coming and Mateo gets crazy excited waving his hands and squealing for papi.
Its starting to get chilly now and I can't wait to use our fire place again. The Christmas tree is sparkling, pandora xmas music is streaming all day and I am relaxing in my new pajamas (purchased at TJMaxx, of course!)
We are ready to start enjoying 'the most wonderful time of the year.'
Are you guys ready for Christmas?

Friday, November 30, 2012
News Around Casa de Espinoza........
Things have been a little bit crazy around here the last month. I almost feel like a single mom and.....I do not like it! Packing lunches, washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house (ok, not too much of that) plus taking all the Christmas light calls, doing estimates, billing, making orders.....Oh lets not forget this little guy too.....getting into EVERYTHING! UGH! Calgon take me away!
My Parents arrived on Sunday and life just got a whole lot easier! Finally, I actually had time to write this blog post, although it took me a whole week to put together. A little here and a little there. By the time Mateo goes to bed at 7pm, I don't have any desire to get on my computer. In fact, I have been in bed by 9:30 almost every night! Ahhh sleep!
Anyhoo, I thought I would just run down some happenings here at my house:
My Parents arrived on Sunday and life just got a whole lot easier! Finally, I actually had time to write this blog post, although it took me a whole week to put together. A little here and a little there. By the time Mateo goes to bed at 7pm, I don't have any desire to get on my computer. In fact, I have been in bed by 9:30 almost every night! Ahhh sleep!
Anyhoo, I thought I would just run down some happenings here at my house:
- I turned 39. Yikes! One more year in my 30's and you know Im going to make it a good one. Ernesto surprised me with a much needed massage and we went out to dinner....just the two of us. It was the first time since "the last supper" the night before Mateo was born. We ate at The Shed, in Glenwood Park.
- I discontinued the no-poo experiment a few weeks ago and boy did it feel nice to use my guarana & ginger shampoo/conditioner. If you hair is really damaged, I could see how the no-poo could help you, but I did not see the benefits. It did make my hair shiney and soft, but my is already healthy. The only reason I tried it was to get curly hair, which sadly, did not work. I gave it 6 weeks or so, and that was enough. The first day I washed my hair with shampoo, Ernesto noticed it when he saw me. Case closed.
- Thanksgiving was a wonderful day. It was the first time Ernesto has been home [during the day] in a month and a half. Boy was that nice! He put lights on our house and it looks great. We roasted a turkey and made all the fixins too. It was just my brother Brrrian, his girl Kyja and us, but we put a dent in that 15 lb turkey.
- Brrrian has been here for the last few weeks helping Ernesto hang lights. It has been great having him here. Mateo and his dog Bruno have become the best of friends.
- I have 2 more Craigslist finds. A[nother] rug and a huge upholstered square ottoman from West Elm, score for just $60. I will reupholster it...someday.
- Mateo's hair is getting long! Ernesto refuses to let my [persisting] mom trim it, even though if we don't push it over to the side it is hanging in his eyelashes (he threatened to "trim" the flowers in her garden if she does it anyway) So we have the mexi-mullet going now. Ill have to upload a pic of Ernesto when he was little. Yep. Same hairdo.
- Oh Yeah...and that too! Im pregnant!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
14 Months Old {Mateo's Monthly Photo}
Thursday, October 25, 2012
One Year Milestones!

I have a baby book that I bought before the little Mexi-can was born. I swore I would write everything down and keep up with all that happened.
I know that sounds like a prelude to failure, but I haven't really failed. Has the book been filled out? No. However, I did jot down a lot of dates with happenings, and most of those happenings have pictures/videos that coincide with them. I thought, just for safety purposes, I would publish this to vivacindy in case I lose that little list, or heaven forbid all my pictures.
(Can you imagine what a nightmare that would be?! I actually just backed up everything the other day with my new 1.5TB hard drive purchased at B&H)
Mateo's First Year Milestones
Smiled- Nov 1 (6 weeks old)
Rolled over- (back to stomach) Nov 30
Laugh- Dec 15 (3 months)
Plane ride (to Canton) - Dec 21 (3 months)
Scooting - Feb 17 (5months)
Rocking on hands and knees - 5 months
Solid food-rice cereal & sweet potato - March 21 (6 months)
Stopped swaddling - March 25 (6 months!)
Said "da" - March 31 (6 months)
Self sooth to sleep [without crying] - April 1 (7 Months)
Crawling - April 13 (7 months)
Sitting up - April 25 (7 months)
2 bottom teeth- 7 months
Climbed stairs - June (9 months)
Clapping- June 19 (9 months)
Waving- 9 months
2 top teeth - 9 months
Walking- 11 months
"Talking" on a cell phone - 12 months
Beside my 10 million pictures (organized on iphoto), I have a ton of videos clips of my little mexi-can. I have started a 'one year recap' video to combine them and it is going to be priceless....when I finish it.
What about you guys? Have you kept up with baby books, dates, pictures of your little ones? What has been a good system for you?
Saturday, October 20, 2012
13 MONTHS OLD {Mateo's Monthly Photo}
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Atlanta "Pumpkin Patch"
When I did a search for "Pumpkin Patch in Atlanta," my choices were many.......many many miles outside of Atlanta. What about us folks who don't like to go outside the perimeter? ha! Just kidding...but seriously, we were just looking for a place with a lot of pumpkins [close by] for our little mexi-can to climb all over. (We could save the entrance fees and hay rides etc, for another year.)
We found that place at Brookhaven Christian Church (4500 Peachtree Road 30319) just north of Buckhead. This is really a public service announcement. The details of this year's sale were not listed on the web, so I called the church myself....and here you have it Atlantans:
Sale runs from Oct 14th- 31st. 11am- 7pm. Cash only.
It was great! Just what we were looking for. Mateo had a great time running around. I had to tell him several times that the pumpkins are not pelotas. (balls-ha!) Crazy boy!
The selection was wonderful and the prices? Well, is $18 too much for a pumpkin? Don't answer that! It was for a good cause. We were there on opening day and there were rows and rows of every size. We bought a very tall pumpkin, a fat one and several cute little ones for my dining table. The church even had photo props! Good times!
Up next! Pumpkin carving!
Gangnam Style!
Im sure by now you have seen/heard about Gangnam Style, the crazy Korean song & video that is being played everywhere. We heard on the local news that the video had over 400 million views on You Tube. Mateo was mesmerized the very first time he saw it. (and he has never stopped for more than 20 seconds to watch anything on tv/computer)
When I first saw it, I thought what the hell is this?? But after the 5th time of watching it I was singing along and doing all PSY's crazy dance moves.
If you haven't seen it, take 4 minutes to enjoy. If you have kids, play it for them, you'll be amazed how much they like it!
Warning: This song is addictive [and fun!] and will be in your head all day.
I enjoyed reading a post about this song by a Korean living here in Atlanta. Oh, and by the way, her design blog is great too!
When I first saw it, I thought what the hell is this?? But after the 5th time of watching it I was singing along and doing all PSY's crazy dance moves.
If you haven't seen it, take 4 minutes to enjoy. If you have kids, play it for them, you'll be amazed how much they like it!
Warning: This song is addictive [and fun!] and will be in your head all day.
I enjoyed reading a post about this song by a Korean living here in Atlanta. Oh, and by the way, her design blog is great too!
Monday, October 15, 2012
No-Poo : Week Two Update
Well, I reached the end of week two no-poo, and I am still on board. No stranger to grease and grime, my hair is holding up quite well. I would definitely say that I am still in the "funky phase" (de-greasing?) least I am hoping this is a phase.
I "washed" my hair 3 times last week with the baking soda & apple cider vinegar (acv) rinse. Afterwards my hair was soft, shiny and surprise...NOT greasy at all. The below pics are before I "washed" my hair, 3 days after the last time.
![]() |
3 days no poo |
Once taken down, it gets a little worse.
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looking a little more oily when taken down |
Not pretty, in fact, that is downright embarrassing. Let me just assure you that I did not leave the house looking like this. If I just put on a hat and you see the rest of my hair, you may be sold. Look how lush and shiny it is.
Is that a little bit of waviness that I see?

At this point, I really don't foresee the no-poo making my hair curly, but I do think it will be healthier.

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