I have to say, I could have been a bit more productive this weekend. It is just so hard to get started...I DONT WANT TO PACK....so I procrastinated, which is my specialty!! Friday night my team at work had the Delta box for the Thrashers game.....who? yeah, the hockey team here in atl....I dont care either, but we had a great time hanging out. It can be a bit stressful at work so when we leave the office we like to have fun! Here are my bosses Brett and Scott (and Mangala) ....at first glance they seem like "normal" guys.

But WATCH OUT...because once
Structure Ass Scott (as I like to call him) has a couple drinks (girly ones at that) ... he gets out of control.

It just gets worse and WORSE.

And Brett (or BING, as I secretly refer to him) is pretty consistant. SARCASTIC ASS!! Believe it or not this is not too different from how he acts
IN the office.

Brett will typically do this as he passes you in the hall. Or maybe slip one in when you least expect. ...

Chris, Mendy, Sch
otzy and me. Having a good time!

Yes, there was a hockey game going on. Here Kelly and Chris take advantage of the great seats.

Many just took advantage of the free food and beverages!!

Saturday, I wanted to get an early start on packing....but had to run to TJMaxx for a "quick" return. What? It was quick, I was only there an hour and a half this time!! Neto called and "saved" me at 11am. I wish it was under better circumstances, His reliable little truck was undrivable. Notice the wheel in the pic below...it is totally going the WRONG WAY!! Something metal broke, and it had to be towed. I went to get him and his workers in midtown.

Luckily the guy who was helping Ernesto drives a truck so they were able to continue taking down lights within the hour!
Smita came over later that afternoon and felt like cooking. Shouldn't I be packing? Well, she really was craving goat biriani from her favorite Indian restaurant Zyka. So we compromised, we picked a couple side dishes from the Indian cookbook Neto bought me for xmas..... headed to Zyka for the goat and stopped at the farmers market. I got a kick out of the sign for the restuarant.

At the farmers, we picked up 4 bottles of wine. There were too many good ones to chose from!

We started with the rioja
Campo Viejo from Espana. It was quite good, and only $7.

Shouldn't I be packing?
Smita, gives her Raita a taste.

We also got crazy and picked a desert to make. Spiced pears in red wine....served with ice cream. It turned out nice, let me know if you are interested in the recipe.
On Sunday, thanks to my friend and co-worker SCHWARTZY, we had a great meal tonight, with harldly any work!!!! He made this for his new years eve party and shared it with me! It was great, because I never use my crock-pot and this came out DEEE-LISH!! Thanks Schwartzer!!
3lb pork ass
1Tbsp. paprika
1tsp. thyme
1/2tsp each of salt & pepper
6 garlic cloves minced
Combine above ingredients, rub on pork, place in slow cooker.
In blender add can of 7oz. chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, 3/4 cup water, and one small onion quartered. puree and pour over pork in crock pot. Cook on high heat for one hour and on low heat for 7. take pork out to cool then shred, skim fat off and combine. Serve in warm tortillas.
Well, since I didnt get as much packed as I had hoped this weekend, I will be in a rush this week!! SHOCKER, right? Oh, but then there is the OSU game tonight, and Neto's cooking class Tuesday, and my jewelry class starts Wednesday! Shouldn't I be packing? Good news is that on Friday we actually found a place to live...and we had 10 days to spare!!
....and THAT is how the Espinesters ROLL!