Thursday, May 28, 2015
23 Months {Marcelo's Monthly Photo}
Friday, May 22, 2015
From Ohio to California (Week 1)

We are taking a little side trip next week with Ernesto's padres to Santa Barbara (because San Diego just isn't vacation enough-ha!) More pictures and all the details to come...stay tuned!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
On Friday morning we flew home from Chicago and boy did we jam pack some fun in 2 days!! It wasn't nearly enough time, but we did our best at experiencing the city! Have you guys been?
Although I had been there before, it was so long ago that this was like my first time visiting. I did not remember ANYthing about it. Im not sure what I was expecting, but I was almost surprised at how awesome the city is. Did you know it is the third largest city in the US (population wise) behind NY and LA?
We had a couple beautiful days. Spring had sprung and everything was blooming. Are you ready for picture overload?

There is a ton to see in this 450 acre park. The Cloud Gate sculpture (also known as "the bean") is three stories high. It's made of 168 steel plates welded together, but has no visible seams. Tons of people were there taking funny pictures with distorted reflections.
I made a reservation at 6pm at Frontera Grill. Although EVERYTHING on the menu sounded delicious, we just picked several sampling plates. One of which was a ceviche trio. OMG. Que Rico! Another favorite was the platanos maduros con queso mmmmmm
During dinner, Ernesto was trying to guess the "event" I had planned for him.
As we approached the venue he spotted a huge sign saying the ballet was there through June. "We are not going to a ballet!?" he asked/stated. I said "Have you ever been to one?" Just to throw him off. He was so relieved when we rounded the corner and he saw this sign instead.
Auditorium Theatre (a part of Roosevelt University) was gorgeous and reminded me of the Fox in Atlanta - old and ornate. Although our seats could've been better, (we were in the balcony) it was a great venue for a show.
That night we went to our "heavenly" bed (signature at the hotel) with 2 pints of ice cream.
In the morning we relaxed in bed for a while. What a luxury! I knew it would be great to run along the river in the morning so we packed running shoes, etc. and head out about 930a.
My tour guide lead my along the river, onto Lakeshore Drive and in front of Buckingham Fountain, which unfortunately was not on yet!? Still pretty.
When I say scared, I mean, my stomach was queazy. It took a few minutes for me to get out there.
Ernesto walked right out there like it was nothing.
I don't know too much about architecture, but I know a cool looking builing when I see one. The Chicago skyline is filled with them.
I had read that the architecture boat tours are the best way to see (and learn about) the buildings.
This immediately made me think of that movie The Breakup (with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Anniston). Hilarious. Watch it. It takes place in Chicago, and Vince Vaughn's character is a tour guide on a riverboat.
Anyhoo, there are many companies you can go with and Im sure they are all really similar. The boats are anyway-we passed all of them while walking along the river the day before. I found a BOGO on the Wendella Boats Facebook page and was able to get both our tickets for $35 total. (half price) This was a great deal for the 75 minute ride.
We could see the Navy Pier from our hotel room, mainly this ferris wheel that reaches 150 feet into the sky.
We hopped on a 7am flight in the morning and were back in the ATL by 10am. It's crazy how a two day trip can feel like a real vacation when you don't have anyone to worry about but yourself. Just the right amount of time to recharge.
This needs to happen again soon...and Im already planning the destination. Palm Springs here we come!!! I mean, we have to give Ernesto's parents the same time with their grandkids don't we??
Next week I will be flying to Ohio with the kids (annual town yard sales!!) while Ernesto heads to Vegas for golf! Then we will meet in San Diego to stay with Ernesto family for a few weeks! Can't wait!
Do you guys have any Summer vacations planned?