It's wierd but I am actually liking staying in ATL on the weekends now. I have been home 3 weeks in a row and have had some great times. It is so nice when your house needs nothing...maybe that is why I never liked staying in ATL on the weekends....because I always felt like we had to work on our house if we were home????
Anyway, we had no plans, and have been wanting to have our friends Floyd and Richard over for 5 years now. We met them when we first moved to ATL. We all went to mid-city fitness EVERY MORNING at 530am. Since we bought our house 5 years ago, we dont go to the same gym anymore, so we only see them 2-3 times a year. (at either their house or a restaurant)
They were free on Saturday night and Ernesto planned an AWESOME Mexican dinner. We headed to a farmers market north of our house that is hispanic and asian. It is even bigger than the one by our house and it was so cool because we actually could've been in Latin America. I think I was the only American in the whole place.......LOVE IT!!!
They were making the tortillas fresh right in the store, they were sooooooo good!!

This whole isle was different kinds of dried peppers, we bought 3 bags for our dinner. Here Ernesto takes a minute to consult his shopping list and cross off the peppers.
They had a lot of samples out and I was loving this crema from Honduras. They just spread it on a tostada and mmmmmm.
Before we knew it, we had filled up our cart and were on our way out. When we got home we started preparing right away. The menu had a few things on it that we had never made before. One of them being tamales. One thing is for sure, we will be making them again. It is a little time onsuming, but well worth it. You need to pat the masa out into a sqare on the or husk, then we filled them with chicken that was cooked with chipotles, add tomatillos and a red salsa.
We folded them, tied them up, and steamed them for 30 minutes. DELISH!!
OK menu was: Tamales, Mexican rice, refried beans, a tomatillo salsa AND "jaimaia margaritas". Jaimaica is the hibiscus flower in spanish. These were so delicious! We had to steep the dried flowers (from the farmers market) in hot water with sugar, then add tequila and ice and shake. I had 3 and was feeling good:) Here Ernesto mixes them before our intrigued guests.
Look how happy they are!
The OSU game was on and actually Floyd & Richard love college football, so after dinner we moved to the couch for a bit while our stomachs settled...we were so stuffed!!

Then we decided to head to downtown decatur to the "Chocolate Bar" Ernesto had taken me there last week on our "date" and it is a perfect place for drinks and dessert. Each of us had a variation of their chocolate martini (chocolate bar, chocolate espresso, tiramisu) I forgot my camera, which was a shame because we were laughing our asses off and making funny faces. The girls next to us snapped this shot and emailed it to us.
What an awesome night!! We won't wait so long to see them next....actually Neto will be doing their x-mas lights, so I know we will see them soon:)