Sunday, December 30, 2007
merry xmas Rare mare....
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas in Ohio
They got a Wii for xmas from Barbies mom and we played it all day. Bowling, tennis, boxing, and more bowling...everyone played, even my parents. Here Bill and Barbie settle their differences in a boxing match.
Here two Ohio State fans wait their turn
My mom does THE BEST christmas! She is the best mommy ever!
I love you too Dad!!! It wouldn't be the same with any other shuttle driver!
There are so many traditions, mostly with food...mushroom soup, homemade bread, lepeny, a hungarian sort of pizza with sourcream and tapioca sauce and cherries on top.......and all the decorations...snow outside (almost without fail)....the stockings hung by the chimney with care.....My mom made our stockings probably 15-20 years ago.....They are special.
Now, xmas morning has been the same for, Nester, Bill, Barbie and Brrrian stay at my parents house on xmas eve and the SCHAFFNERS (jenny, scott & kelli) stay at their house. They open gifts in Wooster and we wait and wait and wait for them to arrive in Canton so we can FINALLY open our gifts all together. The suspense kills me EVERY YEAR...another thing I am harrased about....they say I act like a "little kid" what?? ME?? Here, Brrrian and I await their arrival....of course he is making fun of me.....
Once we do get started, it gets pretty crazy! Wrapping paper everywhere! We try to take turns so we can all see who got lasts a couple hours!
I got some exciting gifts this year. I love this turquoise sports watch that Ernesto bought me. Im really excited to tray out the Nike+ipod too. It is a pedometer you put in your shoe, and it tracks your running workouts and talks to you through your ipod. There is also a great website to download all your workouts. There are 5 million people doing it, so I think it will be very motivating......I do feel motivated because the last 2 months I haven't done ANYTHING workout wise.....that is a long time for me. I am now looking for a 1/2 marathon to sign up for in the next few months.
new running clothes he trying to tell me to get in shape??
Although turquoise is still my favorite color, orange is my new love. Ernesto called me when he was out shopping..."Cindylou, is orange your color now?" While I was "xmas shopping" I did go a bit crazy and bought myself an orange leather bag and gloves. Something for me, something for them. I love the shirt and crocs he chose...
Brrrian was so happy whe he opened this belt buckle from Barbie....Its says TEAMSTER
Saturday, December 22, 2007
It Finally Feels like Christmas.....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Riviera Maya with Rooooskis!

Que Lindo el pavo real!!
Maybe you are not as fascinated by the colors as I am...this next pic is the most amazing one. It looks so professional, verdad? The pink flamingos are so beautiful too!!

Sunday, December 02, 2007
Shanghai, Oriental City

Unfortunately my usual "sleep the WHOLE flight" didn't happen this trip. Since the flight left at 10am from Atlanta, I was wide awake until the last 3 hours of the 14.5 hour flight to Japan (where I had to connect) Delta does not yet service Shanghai, but will start on March 30, 2008.
I went alone on this trip, but fortunately I did meet up with 2 fellow employees. Kai (right)works for DL in Tokyo and Mike in Atlanta. I met them the first night for dinner. They were staying at a hotel with a revolving restaurant at the top......what a great view it was!

My first adventure was to GO SHOPPING! Mike raved about a market he visited last month while here and said "YOU MUST GO!" His wife and daughter had sent him with a list 2 pages long! I decided to meet him the next morning to SHOP!!! Outside the CHI PU LO Market at 930 am and things are just getting warmed up. It may look crowded, but this is NOTHING compared to the crowd at 3pm when I came out ....Im talking CHAOS!!

The inside of the market was chaotic as well. EVERYONE was fighting for your attention....and trust me, I stuck out like a sore thumb!! But the good thing was that somehow you have people following you and they carry your bags while you shop. Mike had been there the day before and the same people were there to "take care" of him again. (ie. carry his bags and lead him to the shops witht the "best price")

They would call you into their shop and start bargaining with the little english that they knew, and they ARE persistant. The calculator is the major facilitator of shopping here. They give you a crazy price, you slash by more than half and then theywill act shocked "no money" they say. Just back and forth with the calulator. You will always get it to at least half the original price. I wonder how many people dont bargain and pay way too much? know there are a lot!! I bought quite a bit, way more than I have ever bought on a trip....I even checked a bag on the way home, which I never do! I can't say everything I bought because x-mas is around the corner, but I bought myself an Omega watch, Gucci boots, Versace blouse, and a silk robe!
These guys carried our bags and lead us from store to store

After 5 hours of power shopping and haggling.....I WAS HUNGRY! MMMMMMM....street food....there was so much to choose from...

... chili octupus on skewers? Yes...have some.....

Yuyuan Garden is a famous classical garden in Shanghai. The name means pleasing and satisfying and I would have to say that is a perfect description. I sat there for a while just watching the 5 million koi in the water, enjoying the view.

I hope one day to see it in the spring when all the flowering trees are in bloom. Even during the winter though, it was "pleasing" ....

I liked this carved dragon head that was at the top of the garden wall.

Lots and Lots of FUR!!!! I am such a sucker for anything soft and when this man on the street walked by with fox scarves and hats....I started modeling.

This is Huxing Ting Teahouse, it has been there for 150 years and is Shanghai's most famous place to drink tea. I didn't actually drink tea there though, I was too busy filming out side.
I believe this building was a hotel but I can't be sure. I love all the gold!