Below are some pics from our latest adventure to Rio..... a city of spectacular landscapes and beautiful peeps. I love it, everyone takes care of themselves....contanstly working out on the beaches. So what if it is plastic surgery, it still makes for the best people watching. Although it rained quite a bit, we walked Copacabana and Ipanema beaches every day and enjoed the sun and food..... Poor Joanne accidentally erased all of her pictures on her camera the last day of the trip...ohh she was pissed......luckily I had mine, i did get some great shots, but she had better and video from a pre-carnival parade that was unbelievable! Oh well, I guess we will have to go back next year :)

Mmmmmmm jugo de coco

All of the beaches have mosaic boardwalks, can you imagine the time that took, im talkin MILES of beaches......

Joanne and I Looking over Ipanema Beach.