Besides training my replacement at work this week, I also had so many other things going on. My team lunch was Wednesday at the "dollar taco place" as we call it. Its a little cantina in the back of a Mexican grocery store, and they have the BEST tacos.....only $1 on Wednesdays. On the invite that Swartzy sent out, he said "only the best for Cindy"
My boss, Brett (BING) gave me one last salute.

Our office is on the 5th floor, and I ALWAYS take the stairs. I usually make everyone Im with do the same (although that doesnt always work) After lunch Swartzy made me laugh so hard... he did what he always does when we are climbing the stairs. He bends over and breathes REALLY hard, like hes not going to make it.

My friend Andy is taking early retirement at age 42!! Lucky ass!! what a dream come true. Free flights forever and a chance to start a new career. His party was at
The Glenn Hotel on their rooftop terrace overlooking all the buildings downtown. It was perfect because I had been carrying around an ad for The Glenn in my purse for 6 months because I wanted to check it out.

Thursday morning was my last briefing at work. Every morning we meet at 830am to talk about what happened in the pricing world the night before. I asked for a group picture. Smile! They all know I'm a blog-ass so they agreed.....not without a few snide remarks though.....

That night was MY going away party at Loca Luna. I arrived with Maria, Smita and Maritza at 630pm and people started trickling was so much fun, I was glad that so many people came... I am a lucky girl! My director Roberto stopped by to wish me luck.

Andy and his man Chas stopped by, I had just seen the the night before, but can you really get enough Cindy? yes, don't say it, I know the answer..........

My lunch shopping buddy Mangala came by to give me a hug, and got a volleyball for her kids too.
Jose Cuervo Tequila was there to promote the professional volleyball tournament going on here this weekend at Atlantic Station. They were also giving out tatoos know I had to get one.

Of course there were non-Delta friends too. Livini and Lenia never miss a party!

Varsha and I used to work together at Delta, her and her husband Dixit came out to say good-bye, we havent seen them for months.

Emily, Alvaro, Tori, Marcus and Maurico.....the guys are Brazilians and know Loca Luna very very well.

Maria was my first friend when I started working in the DL general offices 5 years ago. She now works at CNN, but we still talk almost every day. She Smita and my Swartzy are always there for me. Maria is a Tica (from Costa Rica) I will see her in June when she flies down to see her parents and stay at their BEACH HOUSE.....hello!!
Nos vemos pronto amiga!! 
Chris and Chris work in my office and came out for a few drinks. We were all Salt Lake City analysts. woo-hoo!! Sorry guys, I have to leave you!!

Frank and I met in the same office as Smita and I a few years ago. (Notice my tatoo)
Frankster lead all the ladies dancing, he is quite good!

It got a little it crazy towards the end.......

Its probably a good thing that Loca Luna closed at 11pm that night and that we only live one minute away! Lets just say I didnt make it to the office until noon that day to clean out my desk!! I gave everyone hugs goodbye and was on my way. It just felt like I was leaving for a little vacation like I always sure it will hit me in about a week....when I dont know a soul...I wonder if I will have culture shock?? Somehow, I doubt it!! IM SO EXCITED!!!!
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