Mi querido Marcelo,
Sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep! You have slept away your first four weeks of life my little mexi-can! I can't believe how time is flying. I am already feel like I am behind in blogging you. I promise I will catch up!
Your tios Jenny & Scott flew down to meet you. Scott hadn't been here since your hermano was born, so it was really nice to have him.
We did a lot of hanging out, cooking out, played dominoes, went to eat at Six Feet Under and you slept the whole time. We went to the farmers market on Sunday (of course!) and there was a yard sale on the way. We found a little tricycle for Mateo....Im sure you will be on it in no time.
I hope you don't mind that all of your clothes are going to be hand-me-downs. I promise I will get you a few outfits purchased especially for you, but Mateo had some really cute clothes that he only wore a few times. Speaking of new clothes, my friend Janie came over this week to meet you and she brought you the most beautiful sweater...that SHE KNIT HERSELF! Yep! She is one talented lady!
At four weeks postpartum, your mama is feeling back to normal. Minus a little swelling [in the cut area], huge boobs (!) and weak stomach muscles, I would say I am back to a pre-Marcelo body. I will need to start working out again for a pre-Mateo body. And that is the plan...I don't want to rush anything (it's usually 6 weeks, right?) and since Im burning a ton of calories breastfeeding, It's almost like Im exercising. haha! Your papi and I will take you with us down to the track while we workout, just like we did when Mateo was a baby. I can't wait to Crossfit again and tone up! For now though, I am just happy to fit into my clothes again.
Thanks for being the easiest baby I have ever had Marcelo.
Te quiero mucho!
tu mama
ps. Oh! Im pretty sure that you smiled at me [on purpose] on your four week birthday.

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