It seems my belly grew a lot in the 10 days we were there. Maybe it has something to do with the all the good food we ate?! It looks big, right?

Day# 7
We took our nieces and nephew to Coronado. (See the famous hotel in the background?)
Day# 8
Ernesto went on a deep sea fishing trip with his dad and brothers. I relaxed with my feet up all day!
Day# 9
Hung out with our nieces and nephews at the pool all day.
Day# 10
Enjoyed Pozole at Ernesto's tias house with some of his cousins.
Today we are excited to get back to Atlanta. I really miss Titi, who has been home alone (with a friend stopping over to feed him) I will never do that again, I feel so guilty he is not getting any attention. Bad mama!
Also, we are closing on our house Wednesday. My parents are coming down Tuesday and helping us paint and move in! Yeah!! So exciting!
I'll be sure to post pictures of the house before it is all painted... I love before and afters!
Stay tuned!
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