They assured me that it won't matter where we are living, they are still coming to visit and help out with the baby.
The bottom line is: people don't care where I live, they really only care about seeing the baby.
That is how it's going to be anyway, right? Who will care about Ernesto and I anymore? It's all about the baby! I felt better after talking to them. And now my biggest gripe about being in our apartment with a little one is that we will not have laundry. Cloth diapering would be pretty tough without a washer... or will it?
I remembered that Brrrian told me his friends use a diaper service. The company picks up the bag of diapers, washes, folds and brings them back ready to use again. Hmm, this sounds like a great idea even when we do get a washer! I will check out the prices. It may not be much cheaper than using disposable diapers...but at least I can still feel good about not "disposing" of them.
Luckily Saturday we had a fun at a friends birthday party, and I didn't think about it much. Then on Sunday, my girlfriends and I had a date. It was originally for my baby (coming in just 4 weeks), but as we sat around talking at brunch, we realized we each had something worth celebrating:
Smita: newly engaged!
Lucy: new job!
Aileen: new house!
Aileen has a 16 month old cutie pie named Enzo and just bought a house very close to where we are looking. (If you remember we stayed with Aileen and Jay at their GORGEOUS house in Tepotzelan Mexico a couple years ago.) We are so lucky that they ended up moving to Atlanta. Unless you are new about here, you know Smita and Lucy. It is so nice to have a few great girlfriends close by.

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