I was debating whether to journey out to Tucson for their annual bead and gem show. It is the biggest show in the world! I can't believe I haven't been out there before. #1 Tucson is BEAUTIFUL. The mountains are visible from everywhere in the city. Here is a pic I took from the plane 5 minutes before landing. 
....and #2 it is the biggest show in the world! Its not just one show in a convention center. It is about 5 million shows in different buildings with a shuttle running between them. I almost didn't go because my itinerary really sounded crazy (even for me). I flew into Tuscon Friday and arrived at 1pm. I took a taxi and was shopping by 2pm. Problem was that the show I went to at Manning House closed at 6pm. So I would only have 4 hours of shopping at the biggest show in the world? I spent 5 hours in a small before. But, I knew that Greg and Cynthia from Green Girl Studios were there selling and also my friend Arif, from Only Beads who sells all the beautiful gems that I lust after. I met him at the Intergem show a year ago in Columbus Oh, and we really hit it off (plus I spent a bunch of $$ with him:) Last year he was in Atlanta for a show and I was out of town that weekend (hard to believe, right?) anyhoo, he came to my house that Monday night with all his gems! Now that is service!! Arif gave me the best news when I was shopping at his booth yesterday.....he is moving to Atlanta from NY and opening a store! OMG!! That is so great! I could really be in trouble now...its going to be way to easy to spend money on gems now!Boy did I do some POWER SHOPPING in those 4 hours! Arif took me to one other show that was open till 8pm. After that, I hopped on a shuttle from Tucson to Pheonix airport for the red eye flight at 12:45am and arrived Atlanta this morning at 6am. I slept from 7 to 10am and then broke out all my loot. It was soo exciting to go through it all, there were even a few things I forgot that I bought. This is all the damage I could do! . 
Its scary to think what I could buy if I was there several days. Im feeling very inspired to get started with some new designs I have had in my head for weeks. Brrrian and Jen are driving here to visit from Asheville right now. It will be a great weekend of creativity!!
Nice..nice...really nice.