It was a beautiful weekend and flights weren't "wide open" Friday night so we decided to DRIVE to Asheville. I also wanted to take Brrrian this huge canvas that will not fit on the plane. He's going to paint me a HUGE peacock!! (right Brrrrian?????) The drive was beautiful through the mountains. (more so on the trip home Sunday during the day) But by the time we got there at 1030p, Brrrrian was 3 sheets to the wind!!!!

He and Jen were with some friends at a bar down the road from thier place, so Brrrian just walked over to let us put our stuff in his apartment, and then we went back to meet Jen......and there she was...............boy oh boy!!!!

Brian had on a cool white hat and his new EXTREE WHITE shoes (jen's favorites)
We had a fun time. I love where they live....big windows look out to the mountains and you step out there door and can walk to everything. Really cool!
Jen and Brrrrian even sang a duet for Nester......totally impromptu! click below to view
We had planned a "creative weekend" with Greg and Cynthia at their fun house. They are the owners/creators of
Green Girl Studios and soooooooo inspiring to me!! They both work out of their home. Between Greg's production equiptment downstairs and Cynthia's studio upstairs, I could've spent days going through their house....they just have their hands in everything.

They have the BIGGEST cat I have ever seen!!! After hanging out at a festival downtown all day, we went to their house for Chicken Adobo....DELISH!!! (we made it at home later that week, its a keeper!) In the evening we went to Brrian's friends house for a bonfire...course they broke out the drums....and I felt like I was in college again. It was great!! We never did get to the PMC class, which actually was the original reason for the trip, but I decided the things I want to do with the PMC for next time.......still need to pick a date for that trip???
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