It figures that while I have been in Ohio, there were several things posted to ATLANTA Craigslist. Ugh! Luckily, I was able to call the people and both said they would hold the item until I am back in town to pick up!
I have been looking for a unique headboard that I can have upolstered in a rich velvet...and here she is!

Ok. Moving on. Another thing I have been looking for is something small-ish that can go into our office/guest room and sleep two people. I have found things that I like, but most needed to be reupholstered. Remember the campaign furniture that I bought? The desk and two tall shelves line one wall, so I need something that sits in the corner one the opposite wall, near the window. Something that looks cool and offers seating when guests aren't in town.
Hopefully neither of these deals fall through before I can get home and pick them up! I feel really inspired to get things done! If I could just stay home long enough to do it! We will be home for the whole month of July (minus these first few days) and first item on my to-do list is to paint my bedroom. I already purchased the paint! Farrow and Ball's Hague Blue (recommendation from my favorite girl Emily Henderson)
Finally the upstairs will be getting the attention it deserves! The only room finished on the second floor is Mateo/Marcelo's room.
One last thing folks. Last night I was showing my mom something I saw on CL and these brass chairs came up under my brass furniture search.

I am wanting these so bad! Are they not awesome?! I posted on FB and plead with my friends that SOMEONE in ATLANTA please go get these. Such a deal at $180 for all four. These are unique, brass and look comfy as hell! If only I had the space. I would hoard these so fast. I love them more than my current dining chairs, which means I love them A LOT! Besides wanting them for my house, these are money makers! I would not make the same mistake as with my other Milo chairs. Ugh! It hurts to think about it.
Anyhoo. What do you guys think about my new headboard and daybed??
Any recent craigslist scores or thrifting finds you are happy about? Please share, I would love to hear about them.
Amazing finds! I can't wait to see velvet on that headboard! And I LOVE the daybed. I have been searching and searching for chairs that are similar to those for our office... Lucky find! Can't wait to see what you do with all of it.