What does every home need to make it feel homey? Ok, there are lots of applicable answers but at the top of my list is a pet.
At lunch Wednesday, Kate, Lauren and I went to the Mercado Central to eat/shop. Every time I go there, I walk into this pet/livestock shop. This time I was way more excited though because I know I was picking out a birdie. There were so many, I knew I wanted a blue one.(of course!)
It didn’t take me long to pick out the perfect birdie. Blue with a yellow face. Ay Little Loquito! The guy had two hands in the cage trying to catch him.
I took more time choosing the cage. There were so many colors all hanging from the ceiling. I finally chose this happy yellow and white one, and got all the necessary accessories.
Bonus: Ana from my “knitting” club has an antique cage stand and is letting me use it. Its going to look so cute.
Here I am ready to take my new pet home.
Before leaving we stopped to get a casado for lunch. This market has it all.
Meet Loquito.
In just two days, Loquito has already sat on my finger. Watch. He will be talking in no time. (If you are wondering, yes I have had a bird named Loquito before. Birds are named Loquito. Cats are named Rare)
At lunch Wednesday, Kate, Lauren and I went to the Mercado Central to eat/shop. Every time I go there, I walk into this pet/livestock shop. This time I was way more excited though because I know I was picking out a birdie. There were so many, I knew I wanted a blue one.(of course!)

Are you ever going to introduce Loquito to Rare?