Querido Mateo,
Welcome to our world mi amor. Your papi and I could not be happier. We are still in disbelief that you are actually ours to keep. I start crying sometimes just when I look at you. I may be biased, but you are the cutest baby I have ever seen. Your little round head, cute nose and lips are just perfect.
You are a peaceful baby who sleeps a lot and is very alert when you are awake. Although it has been difficult learning to breastfeed, you are getting the hang of it. Any questions of you not eating enough were answered when at your first doctors appointment, they weighed you, and you have gained back the 6 oz you lost after being born.
Your mama and papi have not had much alone time with you because we had family staying with us all week, but I wouldn't have changed a thing. They helped us move in our new house and offered much needed moral support. I know I didn't get as much "rest" as I needed after having surgery either, but I still loved having them here.
It was a crazy, life changing week!
- You had your first stroller ride from hospital to home sweet home
- The first car ride to Grant Park Farmers Market
- You slept in three different houses (our apt, Gene's house and our new house)
- You went out to eat with us at Six Feet Under and Chipotle
- Shopping for a refrigerator at Home Depot and Lowes
- You watched your first Buckeyes game with your papi, you even wore a OSU onesie
OMG, look at that face! It's rediculous how cute you are!!
You had lots of visitors your first week too! Of course grandma & grandpa Arnold were in the waiting room the day
you were born and came to visit you everyday at the hospital. Grandma had a sore throat so she made sure to wear a mask to protect you.
Our friends Lucia and Manuel came to the hospital and brought a bottle of Mezcal for your papi. He has been sharing it with everyone who comes to visit you.Tios Scott and Jenny drove down from Ohio and fell in love with you.

Our good friends Gene and Jeanette were the first visitors to the hospital and you had your first night "hanging out" on the deck with a bunch of load people. You are a good sleeper though and it didn't wake you.
Lucy and Sean were out of town when you were born, but stopped by our apartment the first day you were home with us. I'm hoping that your cuteness has inspired them to have a baby too:)
Smita came to the hospital twice and then brought over her fiance Rashid to meet you.
You love to keep your legs up in the same position you were in my belly.
Your legs are so strong, you fight us sometimes when we swaddle you, but then you are so calm once you are in that little cacoon.
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{lounging in the Mamaroo swing} |
I think your favorite thing though is cuddling with your papi. Somehow he calms you right down.
We are so in love with you and are constantly looking at you smiling...feeling so lucky. Your papi asks you "Why are you so cute? How did you get so cute?"
Your mama is more emotional than she has ever been. She cried everyday this week. Sometimes from the challenges of breastfeeding, but mostly tears of joy. You complete us!

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