In June 2013 we will welcome another little bebé Espinoza. As you can see in the ultrasound [taken at week 11] there are not twins in there. Darn it!
I am feeling great! No morning sickness and after a month of being really tired, I am back to normal energy levels. That being said, I go to bed very early every night.
No, we will not find out the sex. What? And spoil the Best. Surprise. Ever.
The due date is actually my sisters birthday, so boy or girl, we'll have to name the baby Fred in her honor.
Yesterday marked 13 weeks and so the belly journal has started. Although there is not much of a belly bump yet, something is going on. Just like last time, I can't wait for my belly to get big. This next month is the awkward stage since the little bump could actually be mistaken as a gut (gasp!) instead of a baby. I remember pushing my stomach out [with Mateo] while going on a walk in my spandex just so people would be sure there was a baby in there! haha
While pregnant last time I wrote this belly journal and it's so cool to look back on how my belly grew and what was happening in our lives every week of my pregnancy. I will use the same concept, but my pictures will be a little different style this go around. You'll have to wait and see.
In other news, we are actually finishing up xmas lights in the next couple days, although there are bound to be a few stragglers. As of now, Thursday is Ernesto's last day with bookings and boy is he ready to be done. (me too!) I want my personal chef back!
Just kidding.
Really, I miss him being home with me so much and I know Mateo does too. Every night when Ernesto is 2 minutes from the house he calls so Mateo and I can go out on the porch and wait for him. He honks the horn around the corner so we know he's coming and Mateo gets crazy excited waving his hands and squealing for papi.
Its starting to get chilly now and I can't wait to use our fire place again. The Christmas tree is sparkling, pandora xmas music is streaming all day and I am relaxing in my new pajamas (purchased at TJMaxx, of course!)
We are ready to start enjoying 'the most wonderful time of the year.'
Are you guys ready for Christmas?

Go ahead Fred!