I will be blogging all about our experience here on Viva Cindy, an online pregnancy journal of sorts. I looked at a bunch of pregnancy journals at the bookstore and none seemed cool enough to buy. (if you have a recommendation for one you like, please leave it in the comments) I took some ideas from different books because there are definitely certain things I would like to record and remember. I made up this fun little Q and A for starters.
How long were you trying to conceive?
3 months
Was this time longer or shorter than you anticipated?
We weren't really anticipating. I don't think we realized what we were getting ourselves into. It happened so quickly. Luckily it didn't go on long enough for us to get discouraged.
Were you using any special "methods" to assist with conception?
Month one and two I just used this generic ovulation calculator I found online. On month three I bought a Clear Blue Fertility Monitor on a recommendation of one of our customers and I got pregnant the first time I used it. I would highly recommend it to anyone not wanting to mess with temperature readings and charting, etc.
What made you decide to take a pregnancy test?
My period was 4 days late, so I wanted to know if I should stop drinking a half pot of coffee every morning and wine with my dinner.
How many pregnancy tests did you take?
One. Come on, they are 99% accurate! Those odds are good enough for me.

When and how did you tell your spouse? How did he react?
It was Sunday, January 16th morning. I went to CVS for the test. Ernesto was sitting right there on the couch when I did it. When the line showed POS in 2 seconds, I said OMG. He said "No way!" and scrambled for the directions to see if I was reading it correctly. ha! We stared at each other smiling. Totally in shock. I did a little preggy preg dance, and we hugged. 2 seconds later I was taking a picture of the test when then the phone rang.
Who is the first person you told ?
It was my brother Bill calling. Ernesto said, sure, tell him if you want.
The conversation went something like this:
me: puckwaa!!
Bill: hey puckwaa! What are you doing?
me: you wouldn't believe me if I told you.
Bill: whaa?
me: Well I was just about to take a picture of my positive pregnancy test!
Bill: WHAT? No Way!
me: yep
Bill: I don't believe you. [laughing] Are you kidding? Im about to tell Barbie, so tell me if you are lying.
me : Im not kidding and I have a picture of the positive test right here.
Bill: Let's Skype, I have to see it.
How did you tell the rest of your family?
I called everyone else. Once I told one person, the rest had to be notified promptly. Word travels fast with the Arnolds. I received the same reaction from Jenny and Kelli too. Non-believers. I guess it was a case of crying wolf. I had pushed my stomach out one too many times. Tim and Brrrian did believe me the first time I said it. Thanks hermanos!
I skyped my parents to tell them. I wanted to see there faces. They have been waiting so patiently over the years. But my dad couldn't get the sound to work on his computer so we were on the phone talking with the picture on the computer. My mom said said " oh, I will just read your lips" Perfect! "Ok mom, read my lips," I proceeded to mouth into the camera "Im pregnant!!" There were squeels of joy [from my mom] and disbelief followed by tears from my dad (he's quite the crrry baby, crrry baby-love you dad!).
Ernesto called his mom and told her by making a joke that she make his [twin] sisters baby shower a joint shower including me. (She is due April 4) "Si??? De veras? De veras?" (we may have teased her too much over the years as well) She started crying immediately. She was so happy and must have started calling people as soon as they hung up because our phone started ringing with congratulations from California!
How far along were you when you made your "official" pregnancy announcement? Why then?
9 weeks, 3 days. I needed something exciting to blog about :) You can read the "official" announcement here.
I know it can be taboo to tell people too early but this is the way I look at it: Im not a private person, so [heaven forbid] if something did go wrong, I would be blogging about it, and people would know what had happened. You can never have too many encouraging words, right?
What are your symptoms (if any) now ?
Just tired. Morning sickness spared me, thank god. I really pride myself on never getting sick, so Im glad the streak lives on.
Have you been to the doctor yet? If so, how was your first prenatal appointment?
I went to my first Dr's appointment a week ago. It was very uneventful. They did some blood work and couple other tests. When we found out they weren't doing anything exciting, Ernesto left and I walked home. It was a beautiful day and we live 3 blocks from my Dr's office. I will probably walk to the hospital when I go into labor. ha! We go back March 3rd for our first ultrasound.
Boy or girl? One baby or multiple babies?
TWINS PLEASE!!! I know, I know maybe that is crazy, but we are getting a late start. I would love to have a boy and a girl in one shot! Done and done!
Will you be finding out the sex of the baby?
NO! Again, maybe that is crazy, but I am the type of girl who LOVES surprises and I can't think of a bigger, better surprise than anticipating something so exciting for 9 months. Plus, Ernesto and I are neither planners nor controllers so we don't really have that itching NEED too know. The sex won't matter anyway, I'll decorate unisex. Not baby pink or baby blue.
How have you changed your lifestyle (ie: eating habits, exercise routine, etc)?
The biggest change is that I have cut WAY back on caffeine. I was relived when my doctor said a cup of coffee is fine. I love coffee and don't drink any other caffeinated drinks. Im also drinking herbal teas at night. I haven't had any cravings per se, but have been eating a ton of grapefruit and trying to drink even more water than usual. I have had to skip some of the raw milk cheeses that I love, but it's no big deal. I am taking pre-natal vitamins and fish oil pills.
My exercise routine has continued, although, I have notice that I tire much quicker while running or even walking up a hill!? That really makes me feel like a puss. The other day I found a this Crossfit Mom blog with modified Crossfit workouts for pregnant women. I will be starting these workouts promptly. Don't worry, when my body has had enough or I am too tired I will stop. I always have. Only difference now is that I have an excuse to quit and Ernesto won't yell at me for it. ha!
What books (if any) are you already reading ?
My friend Chris recommended a funny book called. "The Baby Owners Manual: operating instructions, trouble-shooting and advice on first-year maintenance"
It refers to the baby as a piece of equipment and the book reads like a manual for the "model." He said he read it twice before his son was born so I ordered it for Ernesto. He read some to me last night and its quite funny, yet informative.
Are you showing yet? Any other physical changes?
No tummy bulge yet, but my boobs sure do look great! I can't wait to show them off all summer.
(come on, let me have this...I've never had cleavage before!)
Have you started thinking of names for the baby? Do you already have a nickname for the baby?
I've kept a list of baby names over the years. Girls names are so much easier than boys. Whatever we choose, you can be sure it will be a name that sounds nice when said in Spanish and English. Ernesto suggested that I pick the girl name and he picks the boy name. And we have to accept the others choice, no matter what. If I agree to this, our sons name will be Francois. (although since ernesto has liked it for 10 years, it has grown on me)
I joked around about the baby being "feety-feet" (fetus in Cindy talk) but Ernesto doesn't like it. Im sure a nickname will pop up sooner or later. They always do with me. I don't call any of my siblings by their real names.
Have you purchased anything for Baby yet?
No, but I have a whole new search criteria on Craigslist! So fun! I am determined to find the Bob Revolution Stroller for $200! Im also loving this white baby mod crib. The biggest baby purchase will be a house. We started the hunt a few weeks ago.
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