- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Paris, France
- New York, NY
- Sevilla, Spain
- La Jolla, CA
I had a really hard time choosing #5, I wanted to put Lake Como, Italy, but since I haven't actually been there YET. ....I have been to several other cities in Italy and I LOVE the culture, the food, the scenery, and the language... molto buon...very sexy!!! I could see myself there a couple months out of the year...easily. No, I won't need a house in Ohio, I can stay with my family when Im there:)
After dinner, we moved to the living room and sat around the coffee table with our laptops. Sly was just starting his blog, Darren was working on a home video he made with his MacBook (which, by the was I MUST BUY) It's so stylish and inspiring....easy to use, and I want it!! Smita and I worked on our FaceBook profiles. Geek-y? YES, but it was so much fun. What a great idea...We will be doing this regularly. The people that I have told about this think its a great idea too...Im hosting the next one and I think its going to be a growing club!!
If you really want to do it right, you need some pocket protectors, graphing calculators, taped glasses, and of course a rousing game of Dungeons and Dragons. If you can manage to supply all those things the next time I'll be there. Also, you should definetly have a teleconference with another Geek Night chapter.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I think Tyner Ave. NW should have been on that list. Good to see you having a good time in ATL. I'll give you a call this week. I think I may make my first visit to Canton for the year next week.
Uhh, Dresden, Germany, anyone?