Monday, September 29, 2014


Having family is San Diego is the best.  Thousands flock here to vacation with their families and we get to fly out here twice a year and stay as long as we'd like.  Staying with your in-laws for weeks at a time might not sound like a vacation, but for me, it's heaven.  Delicious food, Spanish all day, primes for the kids to play with and a backyard that is like hotel grounds.  So. Grateful.

This week flew by and boy did we have fun.  Check out San Diego Part I for all the deets.

Let's take a look how I did with my goals last week:
  1. Workout 4 times  YES! Finally a workout goal met.  Surpassed even!  I actually worked out 5 TIMES!
    1. Run 5k and hill sprints (5 times) 
    2. Boot camp-ish workout E found online working abs, chest and legs. Pretty good.
    3. Run 1 mile and run stairs (10 sets) 
    4. Run 5k and hill sprints (5 times) with 25 squats and 20 push ups in btw sprints
    5. Hike Cowles Mountain 
  2. Relax with family and enjoy San Diego  This was no problem to complete....see above link:)

This Weeks Wish
1. Workout 4 times (one being a long bike ride)  Ernesto keeps vetoing the bike ride for some reason so I have to be persistent (my specialty).  Biking the silver strand is one of my favorite San Diego activities, so I don't want to leave without doing it. Plus we have been doing a lot of running so I'm ready for something different.

Yeah, when you are on vacation, there isn't too much that needs to get done.   What about you?  Are you busy? 

The Nectar Collective
Whatever is going on with you, I hope you have a great week and get some shit done!
Im linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

15 Months {Marcelo's Monthly Photo}

....and several more.... Just because he's so damn cute!

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Wishes #4

We flew out to San Diego yesterday and made the 830am flight by the skin of our teeth.  Like, literally running in the concourse.  Not fun.  The actual flight wasn't tooooooo bad.  That is not to say it was good.  Marcelo was so tired, but did not fall asleep until we deplaned and his head hit the stroller. UGH!  I let him run up and down the isles of the B767 and he had several admirers.  Mateo was really good playing with some playdough I brought and nice lady took him to her seat to watch the landing from the window.  (We were sitting in the middle 3 seats) 

We had a fun family get together that day and mi suegra made one of my favorite dishes...POZOLE!  The kids ran around with their primos all day and were so happy when my sis-in-law walked in with an ice cream cake for Mateo's birthday! He was loving his bi-coastal birthday!

Ill be back later this week to share pics of our trip!

Now on to the business at hand...let's see how I did with last weeks wishes:

1.  Workout 4 days  Nope! Just two times.  I'm on a roll of no completion in this category.  But I refuse to lower the goal because 2-3 times a week just isn't enough.  I ran 3 miles one day and did a killer Crossfit: Run one mile (on a track) sprinting the straight ways + 200 meters of walking lunges

2.  Prepare for Mateo's birthday party YES!  Party was a success! Ernesto took care of food and piƱata, my mom baked cookies.  I baked the cake and decorated
3.  Pack for San Diego Trip  YES!  The point of this goal was to pack AHEAD OF TIME.  That did not happen, but I still did pack for San Diego.  I mean, we are here and the suitcase is full, so I guess I was successful. 
4.  Paint thrifted rocking chair Done!! I don't have a picture, but both of my $10 rocking chairs got a facelift and boy do they look cute on the balcony off our bedroom [that we never sit on].  Hopefully they will get some use. 

This Weeks Wishes
  1. Workout 4 times If I can't complete this on vacation, I probably never will! Ha! We already did our workout for today, so I am on the right track! 
  2. Relax with family and enjoy San Diego  This is the only other thing on my list this week.  I mean I am on vacation right?
I am linking up with Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective
The Nectar Collective

What are you guys working on?  Hope you have a great week and get a lot of shit done! 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Wishes # 3

The weather is still HOT in Atlanta and I have been splitting my time between splash parks and indoor playgrounds, outdoor playgrounds, the zoo, story hour and backyard swimming.  My goal is to wear my kids out every day.  Like dead tired.

I have to say most days this takes precedence over things I want to get done, but I am thoroughly entertained nonetheless.

Ernesto was working a lot this week, but I still managed to get some things finished.  I really think this weekly wish thing is helping push me.

 Let's see how I did on my list.

  1. Workout 4 days  FAIL!  Ugh!  I only ran a couple times this week.  Around the park.  3 miles. Twice.  No bueno. Get to it Cindy. 
  2. Work on Zafiro website Although not apparent, I did work on my site.  It was a frustrating session.  There is definitely a learning curve with Squarespace.  Im going to work on it a bit more, but I may have to bite the bullet and pay someone for this.  I did buy the white seamless photo paper to start taking pictures of some of my inventory to list online. So there is that. 
  3. Drop donations to Salvation Army. Done and done! I went through baby clothes, my clothes, toys, and more!  It felt great to get rid of all that stuff!  
  4. Post twice more on the blog!   DIY Toddler Teepee and shishito peppers posted! 
  5. Organize laundry room.  Yes! It looks so neat and clean (see above pic).  I bought so many baskets to organize that Im not even sure what should go in them.  What's currently in there is organized, but there are still a few more things I would like to do here.  (I need my sister -the organizing queen!)  
  6. Hang the curtains I sewed for the boys' room.   Whew!  We just got this done!  I will share a pic this week.  They look awesome. 
  7. Make invitation for Mateo's garbage truck birthday party.  I found a great invitation on Etsy.  I just had to take a pic of Mateo behind the steering wheel.  Even though this is late to send out, it is essential for Mateo's birthday re-cap!  

    This Weeks Wishes

1.  Workout 4 days Lets try this again. I should have my partner this week, so it WILL happen damnit!

2.  Prepare for Mateo's birthday party OMG! Just 5 days away! Shopping, baking, decorating, Oh my! I'm not going to go overboard or anything (ha!) but this is the first birthday that he is really excited and realizes what is going on, so it's going to be really fun. We even made a countdown paper chain. Did you guys ever make those for xmas?

Pack for San Diego Trip  I have our big suitcase out and will start filling it with clothes during the week. I hate packing at the last minute (even though that is how is usually happens). We arrive at our destination and the boys have all their clothes and I have like two shirts. Wha?? I need to think about this. Family has told us that it is another heat wave out there. In the 90's and humid! Gasp! That is HOT for perfect San Diego, and Ernesto's parents don't have air conditioning, so it can get really uncomfortable. Let's hope that passes in the next week, otherwise my kids will be running around naked out there (what else is new?!)

4.  Paint thrifted rocking chair A month ago, (or was it two?) I bought two shabby looking wood rocking chairs for the balcony off our bedroom. One sits happily painted and the other, still shabby in the shed. Soon Ernesto is going to need ALL the space in the shed for xmas lights, so this needs to get done. Also we can then start having our romantic talks out on the balcony before bed:) That was my inspiration for the chairs....a girl can dream can't she??

I think that is all I'm going to put on my plate for the week. My parents are coming mid-week, so I am going to try and get a lot finished before they arrive. We are tentatively leaving for San Diego on Sunday.
Linking up with
The Nectar Collective 

The Nectar Collective

What do you guys have planned for this week? I hope you have a great one and get a lot of shit done!  

Friday, September 12, 2014

DIY Toddler Teepee

My friend Lucy sent me this teepee project on Pinterest and said "Let's do it!"
Amazingly, we set a date a couple weeks ago and...guess what? We did it!  I wish I could have a partner for every project I want to get done.  I seem so much more productive with partners. 

I won't be showing step by step photos for this DIY because  The DIY Mommy did a wonderful job in laying out each step with pictures.

If you have been wanting a teepee and not wanting to pay Land of Nod prices,  I say give this DIY a try!  Even if you aren't the best seamstress, it can easily be completed in an afternoon.  Even if you are pregnant, you can do it.  Just take a look at Lucy!

You just have to sew about 20 straight lines and you are done!

 The teepee was was made out of a drop cloth from Home Depot ($20) and some cotton fabric that I had laying around. (free!)  Lucy chose her fabric from my stash too.  I was glad to see it put to use.

**one drop cloth is enough to make two teepees-thanks for buying Lucy! 

 FYI:  I was not able to find round poles/dowels 6' long, so I bought 3/4"square and had them cut 4 of them to 6' right in the store.  ($20)  Round would have been easier to slip through the slots, but luckily my sewing was pretty straight, so I didn't have much trouble. 

I did do my own thing and add some fabric fringe at the top.  The origianl diy sewed on a circle of the coordinating fabric, which was very cute, but I think my embellishment is more teepee-like.  Right?
I cut fabric into long strips and tied them in knots across another strip of fabric that was long enough to wrap around the top. Easy.

Marcelo is modeling/playing here while Mateo was napping.  I thought I would use this teepee as a "house of presents" on his birthday morning.  Coming up in just 10 short days!  Wha what?  Mateo will be three?  Im going to have a 3 year old??  I don't want him to see it before then.  He is going to be so excited!  Priceless.

Have you guys tried and EASY DIY's lately?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blistered Shishito Peppers: Delicioso!

Shishito Peppers: Ernesto and I gobbled up a plate of these mild chiles at a Japanese restaurant (can't remember the name) in San Diego last year.   They were delectable and we wanted to recreate them.  

I guess we forgot about them.   Out of sight, out of mind.  Fast forward a year and I spot them at our farmers market.  Straight into my stroller. 
A quick search on google turned up several "recipes."
If you can call salt and lemon a recipe.  Can you?  

Well, heat some oil, saute these babies until they blister up and get a nice golden color.  
 Squirt on some lemon juice and sprinkle with kosher salt.  Done and done!

As in GONE!  This plate did not last more than 5 minutes.  So. Damn. Rica!
They are the perfect snack/appetizer!

Go get ya some! 

Have you guys discovered a new favorite snack?  Do tell! 

Monday, September 08, 2014

Weekly Wishes # 2

I must say, Although I didn't complete everything I wanted to last week, I think this new list thing really helped me get some shit done!!!

Let's take a look at how I did:

  1. Work out at least 4 days  How about 3?  I know, not what I said, but I had an active week all around, so Im not too upset.  I completed two grueling Crossfits  and took a run in 95 degree heat.   
  2. Finalize details of new blog design  Kinda! It is not 100% final (obvs - you are still looking at my old design) but I am close and it should be live next week! 
  3. Work on Zafiro website (if even for one hour!) FAILED!!!
  4. Publish at least one more blog post this week  I actually posted 3 more! 
  5. Find a delish recipe (and make!) shoshito peppers Yes! We made them twice!  I posted about how how we cooked these delicious little peppers here .
  6. Finish sewing teepee   DONE!!  It turned out so cute. I can't wait to show you later this week!
  7. Work in my garden  YES!!  I got rid of some dead annual flowers, deadheaded others and pulled some weeds. Still more to be done.  Is a gardeners work ever really done anyway? 
This Weeks Wishes
  1. Workout 4 days That's it.  Just do it!
  2. Work on Zafiro website Ok, it's happening this week. 
  3. Drop donations to Salvation Army. Guys, I have a lot of stuff piling up [in my extra bathroom] that needs to be donated.  I still have a few tubs of the boys clothes to go through, and then I will take this huge load and feel soooo much lighter.  I LOVE getting rid of stuff!  And guess what?  I also love getting new stuff! So there is that. 
  4. Post twice more on the blog!   Teepee tut and shishito peppers coming right up! 
  5. Organize laundry room.  Ernesto finished painting the new shelves he built in the laundry room today.  It is now my part to organize all those baskets I bought.  A place for everything and everything in its place! Yeah...totally not something I live by, but Im trying to get on board.
  6. Hang the curtains I sewed for the boys' room.   Why is this not done yet??  I have had the curtains finished for over a month??  UGH! 
  7. Make invitation for Mateo's garbage truck birthday party.  We were debating whether to have his 3rd bday party at our house or in San Diego. We've decided to do it here Saturday and fly out to SD Sunday!  A bi-coastal birthday if you will. Anyway, It is quickly approaching and people need to know about it!! 

Ok I think that is enough. The clothes sorting is going to eat a lot of my free time, which will be limited anyway because Ernesto will be working all week.. Boo-hoo, I know, but such is life.

Hope you have a great week and get shit done!!

Im linking up with Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective!

The Nectar Collective

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Arnold - Ohio Week 2014: A Video Montage

What do you do when you have a crap-load of pictures from a one week family vacation?  
I throw them into imovie and add music.  Ive done them before here and here.  They are so fun to put together, I only wish i had more time to fool around with it.  There's just so much you can do.
Oh well, I have to be happy I even got it put together.  My family is quite sarcastic and has a lot of inside jokes.  But if you get anything from this video, it should be that we always have a great time together.

Friday, September 05, 2014

My Dad is 71 Today!

My dad is 71 years old today, and he makes it look very good!  If I can be as active as he is when Im in my 70's I will be happy!

I have good genes.  What can I say!?  Im a lucky girl!

We won't get to celebrate with him like we did last year [in San Diego], but we are planning to see him later this month. So, until then please accept this heartfelt online "Happy Birthday Song!"

Thanks for always being there for us and being so funny, loving and generous, especially with your time!

We love you mucho dad/grandpa!!

Thursday, September 04, 2014

My New Bed + A Thrifted Piece

I thought this bed was THE ONE.

I know many of you saw this bed I bought on Craigslist and thought "What in the hell is she thinking.  That bed is so 80's!"  And I will admit, after it was set up in my bedroom, I had to keep reassuring my self that it could be awesome once it was recovered. 

It's hard to get past the color.  It really takes away from my new beautiful Hague Blue paint job (which is not quite finished-notice the top)

 I loved the shape, but it was the wide set channels that were giving me a problem.  I was second guessing my purchase.  Then one day it hit me and I felt stupid for not thinking of it earlier.  Duh! I don't have to have it reupholstered with the channels, I can have this baby tufted! 

 I have to trust my instincts I guess.  I knew it could be great. 
And to confirm, look at what I just saw...
Look familiar? It's not exact of course, but it could be done to look pretty close.  Restoration Hardware's Churchill Bed  is now selling for close to $5000!!!  

I was so excited that I sent out a few emails to local upholsterers about having the bed tufted.
I was appalled at the response.
One company said $650 + $200 more for tufting.  It's crazy that I am now thinking that is reasonable.  I suppose it is because another guy said $600 originally + $1000 more to tuft.  WTF?  This clearly means that they do not want to touch this project with a 10 foot pole.  Unless, of course, I shell out $1600! Um. No.

I have to say this is discouraging.  I obviously can not keep the bed in it's current state.  Hideous!

I will now start looking for quotes outside Atlanta.   I have been told it is always cheaper to look in the suburbs or a smaller town.  In fact, this may be too far out of town, but I know someone in Canton, Ohio who may want to tackle this easy job for $500 cash!  (you know who you are [mom] and I'll be contacting you soon!)

What do you guys think my dear readers?  Is this bed a diamond in the ruff?  Cool enough to drop some cash invest in? Tufted with nailhead trim??

In other [second hand] news, last week I found this beautiful 3-drawer chest/nightstand at Salvation Army for $50!  It has a really gorgeous finish and the brass detail just kills me.  There is no brand marking on it, but its cedar lined, solid wood, with dove-tail drawers.  A quality piece.

It is big for a night stand, but actually would have no problem standing up to my monsterous bed.  Of course I would then need to search for another nightstand/table of the same height.  Oh will the searching ever end?!

I think we all know the answer to that one.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Grandma's Oatmeal Cookie Recipe

I love baking.  I just don't like eating everything that I bake, so I don't do it often.  That has to change though, because I want my kids to have the same memory that I do.  My mom always had homemade deserts and cookies for us growing up. I grew up eating these oatmeal cookies (which was actually my grandma's recipe).

I think a lot of times our favorite things as adults tend to be things that evoke some sort of nastalgia.  

But it is more than nostalgia that make these cookies good.  They are cake like, but not heavy.  They have the perfect amount of cinnamon and raisins that will have you eating more than one.

Case in point:  My mom brought a big jar of these cookies to our house this past spring and I ate TWELVE cookies in one day.  TWELVE.

Little tidbit about me:  I have little self control when it comes to sweets/baked goods.  

While in Ohio this Summer (in both June and July) my mom made her oatmeal cookies.

"Grandma's cookies, grandma's cookies" Mateo cried.
Morning. Noon.  And night.  Until they were gone.  Next thing I knew I was pacifying him with a promise that we would make grandma's cookies at our house.   And he did not let me forget.   
Mateo did a great job helping me measure out the ingredients and turning on and off (on and off, on and off on and off) the mixer.  An hour later, we had "grandma's cookies."
 So without further ado, here is the vintage recipe card, straight from my mom's kitchen.

Let me know if you give them a try!

Monday, September 01, 2014

New Series: Weekly Wishes #1

I found a great blog!  Mel writes  The Nectar Collective.  Im not even sure how I found it (surfing, no doubt!) but I think it was Pinterest.  I spent some time on her site and I love her inspiring posts!  This girl know a lot about blogging!  She has a wonderful weekly link-up.  It's called "Weekly Wishes" and I am joining in the fun.

The Nectar Collective

 At least I HOPE this is going to be fun.  I do love getting shit done!  It could also make me feel like a total failure. Ha!

No!  Actually, I know that won't happen.  I have been not getting shit done for months years and Im not too hard on myself:)

I would, however, love to state a few goals each week and follow through.  Can you guys keep me honest on this please? It's something I need work on so...I'm excepting the challenge!  On with it!!

This Weeks Wishes
  1. Work out at least 4 days  This is totally do-able.  It really should be five days.  Last week I only did three.  Crossfit**  nearly killed me [and had me walking weird for days] so I took some time off to recover.   Not an excuse, but that's just what happened. 
  2. Finalize details of new blog design  After much shopping around (ie: indecision) I have finally made a move in changing the look of Viva Cindy.  And I am having someone else do it!  Yeah!  I have had the same blog template (and header!) for almost 7 years.  Its time for a change!  Something fun and in line with the re-branding of Zafiro Jewelry's website.  Ah! Which brings me to my next item. 
  3. Work on Zafiro website (if even for one hour!) This "under construction" business has been going on too long!  Make some headway Cindy!  You have content & tools.  Get 'er done.  Or get 'er closer to done. 
  4. Publish at least one more blog post this week  Enough said!
  5. Find a delish recipe (and make!) shoshito peppers I bought at our farmers market over the weekend.  I fell in love with these little peppers at a Japanese restaurant in San Diego last year and have wanted to try and recreate them.  Wish me luck!
  6. Finish sewing teepee  Last week I started a little DIY teepee for Mateo's upcoming birthday.  I just need to sew a few more inches and buy the dowels.  It's really cute.  Ill share as soon as it's done!
  7. Work in my garden  There are a BUNCH of flowers/plants that need to be trimmed and deadheaded.  
I feel like I could go on and on, but I don't want to over commit.  Our neighborhood pool is closing today (for the Summer-ugh!) so we are swimming for the 3rd time in the last week.  Im so sad because the boys just love it!  Plus it's still in the mid-90's in Atlanta so if you are going to be outside - you want to be in the water!
Hope you have a great Labor Day and get some shit done this week!!
** Crossfit workout:  Run one mile, stopping every minute to do 30 walking lunges.  Ridiculous.