Monday, September 29, 2014


Having family is San Diego is the best.  Thousands flock here to vacation with their families and we get to fly out here twice a year and stay as long as we'd like.  Staying with your in-laws for weeks at a time might not sound like a vacation, but for me, it's heaven.  Delicious food, Spanish all day, primes for the kids to play with and a backyard that is like hotel grounds.  So. Grateful.

This week flew by and boy did we have fun.  Check out San Diego Part I for all the deets.

Let's take a look how I did with my goals last week:
  1. Workout 4 times  YES! Finally a workout goal met.  Surpassed even!  I actually worked out 5 TIMES!
    1. Run 5k and hill sprints (5 times) 
    2. Boot camp-ish workout E found online working abs, chest and legs. Pretty good.
    3. Run 1 mile and run stairs (10 sets) 
    4. Run 5k and hill sprints (5 times) with 25 squats and 20 push ups in btw sprints
    5. Hike Cowles Mountain 
  2. Relax with family and enjoy San Diego  This was no problem to complete....see above link:)

This Weeks Wish
1. Workout 4 times (one being a long bike ride)  Ernesto keeps vetoing the bike ride for some reason so I have to be persistent (my specialty).  Biking the silver strand is one of my favorite San Diego activities, so I don't want to leave without doing it. Plus we have been doing a lot of running so I'm ready for something different.

Yeah, when you are on vacation, there isn't too much that needs to get done.   What about you?  Are you busy? 

The Nectar Collective
Whatever is going on with you, I hope you have a great week and get some shit done!
Im linking up with The Nectar Collective for Weekly Wishes. 

1 comment:

  1. I just got back from vacation too - I was in Cancun, Mexico for a few days with a friend. I wish my to-do wish list was a bit smaller though! lol. Cheers to a great week and all of your workouts.


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