Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly Wishes #4

We flew out to San Diego yesterday and made the 830am flight by the skin of our teeth.  Like, literally running in the concourse.  Not fun.  The actual flight wasn't tooooooo bad.  That is not to say it was good.  Marcelo was so tired, but did not fall asleep until we deplaned and his head hit the stroller. UGH!  I let him run up and down the isles of the B767 and he had several admirers.  Mateo was really good playing with some playdough I brought and nice lady took him to her seat to watch the landing from the window.  (We were sitting in the middle 3 seats) 

We had a fun family get together that day and mi suegra made one of my favorite dishes...POZOLE!  The kids ran around with their primos all day and were so happy when my sis-in-law walked in with an ice cream cake for Mateo's birthday! He was loving his bi-coastal birthday!

Ill be back later this week to share pics of our trip!

Now on to the business at hand...let's see how I did with last weeks wishes:

1.  Workout 4 days  Nope! Just two times.  I'm on a roll of no completion in this category.  But I refuse to lower the goal because 2-3 times a week just isn't enough.  I ran 3 miles one day and did a killer Crossfit: Run one mile (on a track) sprinting the straight ways + 200 meters of walking lunges

2.  Prepare for Mateo's birthday party YES!  Party was a success! Ernesto took care of food and piƱata, my mom baked cookies.  I baked the cake and decorated
3.  Pack for San Diego Trip  YES!  The point of this goal was to pack AHEAD OF TIME.  That did not happen, but I still did pack for San Diego.  I mean, we are here and the suitcase is full, so I guess I was successful. 
4.  Paint thrifted rocking chair Done!! I don't have a picture, but both of my $10 rocking chairs got a facelift and boy do they look cute on the balcony off our bedroom [that we never sit on].  Hopefully they will get some use. 

This Weeks Wishes
  1. Workout 4 times If I can't complete this on vacation, I probably never will! Ha! We already did our workout for today, so I am on the right track! 
  2. Relax with family and enjoy San Diego  This is the only other thing on my list this week.  I mean I am on vacation right?
I am linking up with Melyssa over at The Nectar Collective
The Nectar Collective

What are you guys working on?  Hope you have a great week and get a lot of shit done! 

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