Monday, September 01, 2014

New Series: Weekly Wishes #1

I found a great blog!  Mel writes  The Nectar Collective.  Im not even sure how I found it (surfing, no doubt!) but I think it was Pinterest.  I spent some time on her site and I love her inspiring posts!  This girl know a lot about blogging!  She has a wonderful weekly link-up.  It's called "Weekly Wishes" and I am joining in the fun.

The Nectar Collective

 At least I HOPE this is going to be fun.  I do love getting shit done!  It could also make me feel like a total failure. Ha!

No!  Actually, I know that won't happen.  I have been not getting shit done for months years and Im not too hard on myself:)

I would, however, love to state a few goals each week and follow through.  Can you guys keep me honest on this please? It's something I need work on so...I'm excepting the challenge!  On with it!!

This Weeks Wishes
  1. Work out at least 4 days  This is totally do-able.  It really should be five days.  Last week I only did three.  Crossfit**  nearly killed me [and had me walking weird for days] so I took some time off to recover.   Not an excuse, but that's just what happened. 
  2. Finalize details of new blog design  After much shopping around (ie: indecision) I have finally made a move in changing the look of Viva Cindy.  And I am having someone else do it!  Yeah!  I have had the same blog template (and header!) for almost 7 years.  Its time for a change!  Something fun and in line with the re-branding of Zafiro Jewelry's website.  Ah! Which brings me to my next item. 
  3. Work on Zafiro website (if even for one hour!) This "under construction" business has been going on too long!  Make some headway Cindy!  You have content & tools.  Get 'er done.  Or get 'er closer to done. 
  4. Publish at least one more blog post this week  Enough said!
  5. Find a delish recipe (and make!) shoshito peppers I bought at our farmers market over the weekend.  I fell in love with these little peppers at a Japanese restaurant in San Diego last year and have wanted to try and recreate them.  Wish me luck!
  6. Finish sewing teepee  Last week I started a little DIY teepee for Mateo's upcoming birthday.  I just need to sew a few more inches and buy the dowels.  It's really cute.  Ill share as soon as it's done!
  7. Work in my garden  There are a BUNCH of flowers/plants that need to be trimmed and deadheaded.  
I feel like I could go on and on, but I don't want to over commit.  Our neighborhood pool is closing today (for the Summer-ugh!) so we are swimming for the 3rd time in the last week.  Im so sad because the boys just love it!  Plus it's still in the mid-90's in Atlanta so if you are going to be outside - you want to be in the water!
Hope you have a great Labor Day and get some shit done this week!!
** Crossfit workout:  Run one mile, stopping every minute to do 30 walking lunges.  Ridiculous.


  1. What a great idea. I totally need to get some shit done too! I hear you on the deadheading. It's not going to do itself...

    1. you should check out the link-up joanna!

  2. Welcome to Weekly Wishes! Good luck with your goals this week - I have been doing terribly on the working out side, hopefully I'll fit some in this week!


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