Monday, September 15, 2014

Weekly Wishes # 3

The weather is still HOT in Atlanta and I have been splitting my time between splash parks and indoor playgrounds, outdoor playgrounds, the zoo, story hour and backyard swimming.  My goal is to wear my kids out every day.  Like dead tired.

I have to say most days this takes precedence over things I want to get done, but I am thoroughly entertained nonetheless.

Ernesto was working a lot this week, but I still managed to get some things finished.  I really think this weekly wish thing is helping push me.

 Let's see how I did on my list.

  1. Workout 4 days  FAIL!  Ugh!  I only ran a couple times this week.  Around the park.  3 miles. Twice.  No bueno. Get to it Cindy. 
  2. Work on Zafiro website Although not apparent, I did work on my site.  It was a frustrating session.  There is definitely a learning curve with Squarespace.  Im going to work on it a bit more, but I may have to bite the bullet and pay someone for this.  I did buy the white seamless photo paper to start taking pictures of some of my inventory to list online. So there is that. 
  3. Drop donations to Salvation Army. Done and done! I went through baby clothes, my clothes, toys, and more!  It felt great to get rid of all that stuff!  
  4. Post twice more on the blog!   DIY Toddler Teepee and shishito peppers posted! 
  5. Organize laundry room.  Yes! It looks so neat and clean (see above pic).  I bought so many baskets to organize that Im not even sure what should go in them.  What's currently in there is organized, but there are still a few more things I would like to do here.  (I need my sister -the organizing queen!)  
  6. Hang the curtains I sewed for the boys' room.   Whew!  We just got this done!  I will share a pic this week.  They look awesome. 
  7. Make invitation for Mateo's garbage truck birthday party.  I found a great invitation on Etsy.  I just had to take a pic of Mateo behind the steering wheel.  Even though this is late to send out, it is essential for Mateo's birthday re-cap!  

    This Weeks Wishes

1.  Workout 4 days Lets try this again. I should have my partner this week, so it WILL happen damnit!

2.  Prepare for Mateo's birthday party OMG! Just 5 days away! Shopping, baking, decorating, Oh my! I'm not going to go overboard or anything (ha!) but this is the first birthday that he is really excited and realizes what is going on, so it's going to be really fun. We even made a countdown paper chain. Did you guys ever make those for xmas?

Pack for San Diego Trip  I have our big suitcase out and will start filling it with clothes during the week. I hate packing at the last minute (even though that is how is usually happens). We arrive at our destination and the boys have all their clothes and I have like two shirts. Wha?? I need to think about this. Family has told us that it is another heat wave out there. In the 90's and humid! Gasp! That is HOT for perfect San Diego, and Ernesto's parents don't have air conditioning, so it can get really uncomfortable. Let's hope that passes in the next week, otherwise my kids will be running around naked out there (what else is new?!)

4.  Paint thrifted rocking chair A month ago, (or was it two?) I bought two shabby looking wood rocking chairs for the balcony off our bedroom. One sits happily painted and the other, still shabby in the shed. Soon Ernesto is going to need ALL the space in the shed for xmas lights, so this needs to get done. Also we can then start having our romantic talks out on the balcony before bed:) That was my inspiration for the chairs....a girl can dream can't she??

I think that is all I'm going to put on my plate for the week. My parents are coming mid-week, so I am going to try and get a lot finished before they arrive. We are tentatively leaving for San Diego on Sunday.
Linking up with
The Nectar Collective 

The Nectar Collective

What do you guys have planned for this week? I hope you have a great one and get a lot of shit done!  


  1. Hi Cindy, I just ran across your blog through the Nectar Collective's Weekly Wishes and I'm so glad to have found it! I'm seriously inspired by your exercise goals -- I'm still try to get myself to jog about 2 miles very slowly each day! Best of luck with the goals this week -- you got this! Excited to hear how the exercising and birthday planning go!

  2. I love the romantic talks idea. I hope it works! Could be inspiration for B & me.


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