Monday, July 03, 2017

TWENTY ONE MONTHS {Paloma's Monthly Photo}

Oh my baby girl ..eres tan BONITAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Your hair is getting so long.  Up, down or straight out of bed, I am loving your blondie locks!  It is fine and seems to tangle easily in the back, just like mama's.  I'm sorry.  Luckily, your skin soaks in the Summer like a true mexi-CAN-a, like your papi.  (#bronzedbeauty)

You are so outgoing.  That smile, your laugh.  Im so in love. You make friends with everyone.  Kissing on command and out of the blue too.

You are napping like a champ and still breastfeeding a few times a day.  I really don't think you neeeeed it anymore, but by golly you love that leche, and I have to admit I still enjoy our quiet time why not?  In my head, there is a hard cut off of chi-chi at two years old, but I never like to set things in stone.

You are talking up a storm.  Your vocabulary amazes me!  Talking in sentences even.
I want to eat you up you are so cute...and I do everyday, those cheeks are sooooooo kissable.
Te quiero mucho mi bonita, chiquita, muñeca, mamacita.
tu mami 

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