Friday, July 14, 2017

San Diego: Part II

It hasn't been all beach this trip.  (part 1 here)
We also went to Mexico a couple times. DUH!!  Even after all these years of visiting San Diego every year, I just can't get over the fact that you can drive to there for lunch...yes we did. 
We made it to a great restaurant recommended by Ernesto's cousin and it was AWE.SOME.
Besides having cute little props for the kids, the food did. not. suck.

This little mexican-a knows how to dress for any occasion.  Mexico?  How about an embroidered dress [from Mexico]?

Ernesto's brother Tavo planned a family day out.  It was a sooooooo fun!  He actually did some research on kid friendly restaurants and he did gooood! Right behind our 2 "family style" tables was a fenced in kids area equip with toys.  
We were able to relax, enjoy a few beers and indulge in adult conversations.  We didn't stop there.  The party continued at a beer garden close by (but I forget the name?!?) where the kids continued to have fun running around. 

On the walk there we passed this wall o' succulents that was magnificent.  #dreamgarden
Baby girl had no problem keeping up with her older primos. She was up and down up and down.

Usually Im not a fan of the fish eye lens on people, but this came out really cool!

We love being in San Diego for 4th of July.  Im not sure how many times we have seen the parade on Coronado, but it never gets old.  In fact, since we had kids, it is even better.  (although biking there -as we used to do before kids-was way cooler)
Yep, we were there early!

Definitely not usual for us, but we were meeting friends:)

Although the first time hanging out, our kids acted like old friends.  Isn't that funny how kids can just jump into playing right after meeting??

Beaches are just conducive to playing!

....and let's not forget napping in the sun!
Thanks to these three long-time buddies, we enjoyed a nice family beach party!

It's all about "fun" and finding something to explore when we are out here.  (although sitting at home with family also happens quite a bit, and that is pretty great as well!)

These guys have never missed an ice cream truck passing. 

For the first time in....EVER...we organized a "girls night out!"  I can't believe we had never done this before!  SO FUN!!!
We started at a cute place called The Goldfinch in Mission Hills.  Drinks, many delicious apps and photos.
We made our way to Little Italy, but ultimately only took a picture [with a GORGEOUS succulent wall]
and ended up at Mr. J's.  Drinks and a beautiful sunset on a rooftop?  Yesssssssssss.
We had so much fun!  A lot of laughs and NO INTERRUPTIONS.  Moms out there know this is GOLD!

The day before leaving Ernesto was golfing.  I realized we had not yet gone to Torrey Pines and that made me sad.  I packed up 3 kids myself and we started on the trail.  Man it was beautiful.....
BUT I should have parked waaaaaaay closer without a stroller.   We never made it down to the water. Everyone was tired and whiny = not fun. So I pulled the plug.  I tried. Wha-whaaaaaa.

After 5 weeks in San Diego, you KNOW I racked up quite a succulent collection.  
How did I transport all of them.  Well, in a diaper box, of course. 
Also could not leave without taking this piece of history.
Ernesto's parents are going to be starting some construction in a few months and you never know what plants may not make it through.  Ernesto and I planted this cactus probably 12-15 years ago??
It was just a couple feet high (if that!) and now its huge! I cut that bad boy with a kitchen knife and it was  the cherry on top of my carry-on bag of plants.
My three little bronzed Summer blondies patiently waiting to get on the plane.  (yeah right!) 

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