Thursday, June 29, 2017

Marcelo Turns FOUR!

Marcelo got kind of lucky this year with his birthday. I mean this Georgia boy had a BEACH birthday party.  And because his birthday was on a Wednesday, we held it the Saturday before his actual birthday.  Well, then what?? Were we going to just sit around that day and pretend it's not his birthday because we already celebrated it??  Yeah right! 
TWO Celebrations!!
The beach party was a no-brainer.  Get all the cousins together to play at the beach all day! 
Of course getting a good spot on the beach on a Saturday in the Summer means going a liiiiiiittle bit early. 

Perfect location. Right in-between the playground and the water. 
Even after our LAST MINUTE invitations, we had a nice little crowd to celebrate!

We packed a table, chairs, blankets and a few decorations for the tent.  
Food wise, we played the easy card with pizza, fresh fruit and veges, and a buy-it-off-the-shelf Minions cake from Ralphs!
It was perfect!  The birthday boy was so happy!

On his actual birthday, the following Wednesday, the boys woke up early to a couple presents on the table.
Mateo had already negotiated his job as "assistant unwrapper" the night before.  
"Marcelo can I help you open your presents?" Big brother asked.
Marcelo said  "Sur"

Shocker!  More Imaginext on the wish list.  The morning flew by, the boys occupied with the new spoils. 

We wanted to do something fun and different to celebrate the day.  And the San Diego County Fair was up and running in Del Mar.  Done and done.
We caught a western cowboys skit and they were fascinated!  
Guns were blasting and questions flying.  "Mami is that a real gun? Are they bad guys?" Although a little uneasy, Marcelo wanted to be up close with these villains. 

Also, very random, we witnessed a turkey race.  Whaaaaaa??

When we arrived back to abuela's, all the cousins and neighbors were waiting for us, ready to celebrate!  Again with the store bought cupcakes. 

My beautiful boy!  FOUR and looking so BIG.....and stylish in his new Vans!  (thanks Alex!)
I forgot to include in his "likes" above: CUTTING HAIR!  UGH!  No, I didn't cut his bangs that short. Please.  Still, is it me or is he just super cute even with the uneven hack job??  

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