Sunday, December 20, 2009

THE LIST- an update

You may or may not remember, that back in June of this year I made a list of 38 things to do before I turn 39. Well, I sort of forgot about it and now I realized that I have some updates to share. I can cross the following things off "the list".
3. get a job
When I wrote #3, working for Ernesto and the Christmas Light Pros was not what I had in mind, but I really liked the job. I was constantly on the move, meeting new people, and in charge of raking in the $$$. I actually grew the business by 50% for 2009. Not bad for my first season, right? It would be so nice if this job lasted 12 months of the year...or wait a minute here...working just 3 months of the year wouldn't be so bad, would it?

4. buy a sewing machine
My mom bought me this Janome sewing machine (#11574) for my birthday and I am loving it so far. First project: pillows.

6. get Viva La Cocina [Mexican food blog] up and running
It has been a slow start, but I am trying to develop my voice for this blog. People are stopping by for the delicious recipes. Favorites like ceviche and fish tacos are posted here!

8. take photography classes
I have joined the Decatur Digital Photography Meet-up and have learned a lot from the other members. I may still enroll in an actual class, but this seems to be working for now. (+ its free)

10. write a guest blog for someone else
Back in August of this year, I wrote a post on design blog Coco + Kelley about summer fun. It was cool getting all the comments from strangers!

14. finish crocheting turquoise blanket
I started this turquoise blanket earlier this year in Costa Rica. Although its not as big as I originally imagined it, I am finished.

16. visit Maureen and Lauren in the US
Lauren came to Atlanta in October and stayed with us. It was great to see her. Maureen is still on my list.

19. Introduce [my jewelry line] Zafiro to the world
I participated in my first art show as Zafiro Jewelry at Candler Park Fallfest this October and I was so happy with my debut. Many thanks to my creative director, my mom! My website is still a work in progress.

24. paint a room turquoise
I thought I was going to be fine with the orange walls that were here when we moved in, and I was for a while, but when I broke out my Christmas decorations I changed my mind. This color, called "embellished blue" by Behr is a perfect compliment to xmas and all my other decor.

31. get an iphone
This thing is amazing, pure and simple.

32. embroider a peacock
I bought this peacock pattern in Mexico and started it, but want to do a bit or research on some embroidering techniques so I can make it the best it can be.

34. frame artwork from my travels

In my current apartment, I don't have room for all of my artwork, but I have framed a few in my collection, and they really make the place special.

12 down, 26 to go! Are you a list maker too?

1 comment:

  1. haha i love that pic (#16)... and there's a pretty good chance i'll be swingin through GA again this spring...


I enjoy reading your comments. Thanks for stopping by Viva Cindy!