Saturday, July 05, 2014

Birthday Week in Ohio!

A few days ago we returned to Atlanta after spending a week and a half with my family up in Ohio and it was the best time! June is a big birthday month in my family.  My sister Jenny, her husband Scott, brother Brrrian, Aunt Margie, two cousins, and of course, my little Marcelo had his first birthday last Saturday!

I have never had a trip feel so much like Summer.  My kids aren't even in school yet, but this is how I imagine they will like to spend their breaks.  Camping (ok, glamping), swimming, bike rides, ice cream, cookouts, cousins,  popcicles, running outside, homemade cookies, and sleepovers!  It was great!

I think the story will best be told with a million pictures, so grab a cup of coffee and sit back.
 My moms strawberries (and black raspberries too!) were ripe and she was coming in with a bowl every other day.
Mateo loved helping grandma pick them and got excited every time he saw a ripe one...which was a lot!

Besides strawberries, the flowers were amazing in my mom's garden.  She really is the queen of gardening.
Sitting outside on their back porch or patio feels like you are at the botanical gardens. A plethora of colorful flowers in full bloom,  running water, and birds flying from tree to tree.
 It couldn't be more relaxing....
...that is...until two little kids come running by. ha!

The week started of with a bang at Scott's surprise 50th birthday party.  He was totally surprised! Everyone showed up on a Sunday at their camper (where they are glamping every weekend)  pavilion. and they just happened to drive by at 4pm.  Scott was a deer in headlights, totally blindsided and then it finally clicked! Surprise! 

My lovely aunt Margie joined the party, which just happened to be on her birthday.  
 She is a little bit older than the sign implies, although you can't really tell. I hope I have the Wellman genes when it comes to aging. (Arnold genes wouldn't be too bad either actually!)
 Jenny and Scott bought this camper just last year, selling their smaller one and opting for a  permanently placed one on Long Lake, just 25 minutes from their house.  I call it "the vacation home."  It could be moved, but for now it is set up like this...
The little community is great.  It's a whole village of campers, and its "residents" get around on golf carts.

The Espinoza's stayed over one night, and it was so fun!  I think it just pushed me even closer to wanting an RV.  Scott has a little fishing boat and took us on a little tour.
Such a peaceful little lake.  Lots of grass for the kids to run, complete with playground and sparkling pool.  A perfect hangout for adults and kids alike.

Blowing bubbles with Pop. 
There are some good biking trails in Ohio.  One being the towpath along the Erie Canal. It runs south of my parents house and north, all the way up to Cleveland.  We rode 2 different days on 2 different stretches.  Its a great, green ride!  The boys love the trailer too!  (And no biting this time!) 

One day we rode 10 miles just to get ice cream. 
I remember my whole family getting into the car on Sunday's and driving into the little town of Canal Fulton for Oser's ice cream.  True story:  My sister worked there about 30 years ago!

My bother and sister live in a small town called Wooster (40 min from my parents), and the downtown is so cute.  The annual "Taste of Wooster" was going on one night we were there so after we all went to check it out.  It was pretty small, but there was music and beer from the local brewery, so we had a good time.  Aunt Barbie is the best hostess.  Before going downtown she whipped up some homemade [whole wheat] pizzas.  The kids had personal sizes and added their own toppings! 

I scored many many things thrifting in Ohio, per my usual.  This necklace is one of them.  
Does it look familiar?  I showed you one almost exactly like it that I thrifted last month, but this one is bigger and better:)  A couple of my other favorite buys:  a vintage abstract oil painting, and a brand new Oh Joy for Target ice bucket.   (Goodwill in Ohio has brand new stuff donated from Target)  The bucket is actually a little more coral than hot pink as pictured.

My uncle Bill lives on a farm and raises 2-4 cows each year.  He and his family live on this meat for the next year.  My dad usually get in on this too and buys a half a cow. These cows are happy and free and grass/corn fed.

I have had burgers and steaks from his cows, and there is a delicious difference to store bought.  We've made  Tongue tacos too and they are the bomb.  I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but I put in a request for the cow hides.  My uncle said sure, they would just need to go to a tannery.  As long as that process isn't more than buying a hide from Ikea ($200-$250),  I could have these to hides in my home in the future.  Wait a minute....just as I was typing that, I didn't like how that felt.  Maybe I shouldn't have gotten up close and personal with these cows.

Mateo and Marcelo were impressed by them, to say the least.  Mooooooo

We are still working on potty training and so Mateo is naked.....a lot.  He does a really good job this way, and so we have bought him his first set of chonis (ie: underwear).  This was taken before that purchase.  Obviously.

Now that you have a smile on your face, I will wrap up this post.  Marcelo's party pics up next!  Plus the pick-ups from Craigslist revealed.  Stay tuned! 

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