Sunday, April 13, 2014

What's Going On Up In Here Up In Here

We have been home from our NY/DC trip for a week now and the bloggy blog is not finished yet! Its in the works though and should be out manana. I had A LOT of pictures to sort through.

 I feel like I have had a case of ADD this week.  I have so much I want to get done that I can focus on any one thing.  Result: Shit is Not. Getting. Done. 

This is the revolving list in my head:  
Make Jewelry - Garden - Blog  - Clean house - Do house projects
Make Jewelry - Garden - Blog  - Clean house - Do house projects
Make Jewelry - Garden - Blog  - Clean house - Do house projects

 My garden is in full swing and has been calling my name all week.  I have plants to move, plants I bought that need planting, seeds to sow, compost pile to finish, boxwoods to trim, veg garden to prepare/plant, and a whole list of things I need to buy at home depot. UGH!  This project won't wait as my mom reminded me on the phone yesterday.  The garden continues to grow. 
Some things just look beautiful without any help, like these bleeding hearts and my neighbors tree covered in wisteria blooms.

A few weeks ago I ordered a bunch of brass and leather from Turkey and so besides my gemstone classics, I have a slew of new designs coming my head.  MUST. FOCUS. IN.  Inman Park Festival is in just a couple weeks.  Yikes!  
 The name necklaces are nothing ground breaking, but I wanted a set for my babies, and they turned out really cool.  I decided I will offer this personalization on my new website (coming soon!) and at shows too.  I plan to have a birthstone chart - with modern and traditional stones - so people can make it their own.  I used sapphires for the Mateo plate (September birthstone and one of my favorites) and kept Marcelo's with chain.  This style also goes with my "Bebe" necklaces.  These have been a hit for the last few years and can be customized with your/babies birthstones as well. Both of these styles look great layered with longer necklaces. 

The other day Joanna from the NestBook posted this about Geodes and it reminded me that I wanted these geode handles from West Elm. (thanks Joanna!) 
 Remember these night stands that I got on Craigslist 2 YEARS ago??  
I posted about them here and funny enough,  I said I was going to paint them gray...that same weekend. ha! Well, I took off the handles and that was the extend of the "updating."  Ernesto eventually painted them white for me a year later and they have been handless ever since.  They look beautiful without handles,  but I can not wait to add these beautiful geodes.  The jewelry so to speak.  Ill be sure to share once they are on.

In other decor/design news, I am FINALLY getting my painting framed.  It is in the shop and will be done next week.  I bought all of the supplies for Ernesto to DIY a floating frame.  It really didn't look complicated, but this has not been anywhere near the top of the priority list for him, so I finally bit the bullet and paid a professional.  Artifacts in Grant Park, has great reviews and does a lot of work for the High Museum.  Trust.  I went with a light maple.  Its going to look amazing!

Lastly on the design front, I decided on the paint for our bedroom.  Now that I have uploaded this picture, I can say these samples aren't represented on the computer.  But what you can see are the tones in the blues. Im going with BM Hague Blue, the middle sample.  The Hale navy (on left) is too dark and the Gentlemans Navy )on right) is too blue.  Hopefully we can get the paint on the walls before I change my mind. I think its going to look fabulous!

My babies are getting along swimmingly.  Just as long as Marcelo doesn't touch anything that Mateo is playing with. Ha! Overall Mateo is sweet with all Marcelo's grabbing, climbing and hair pulling.  Marcelo is fascinated with his big brother and follows him around the house.  Mateo said "babies" is his friend.  (He can say Marcelo but always calls him babies)

My baby had his 9 month check up this week and he is just shy of 20lbs. We had to wait 2hrs and 15 min for the Dr. to tell me his height and weight.  Nice.  Apparently there are no shots on the 9 month visit anymore.  Wish I would've known.  
The Grant Park Farmers Market is open Sundays again.  Its the best...and everyone knows it. 
 Hence the crowd.

I so enjoy our morning stroll, meeting with neighbors, eating my apricot scone and stopping at the playground.  It just feels special.  

See you back here tomorrow with a NY recap.

Ps.  While on a "girls night out" with my neighbor Beth (ie: saturday night with Starbucks & Target) we popped into Ross quickly to see if they had any blue garden pots.  They did not.  But look what I did find for my little [bigger] Mexican.  Orange. Just one pair.  It was meant to be.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see those handles in action! Please be sure to share! Also, apricot scones...SO. GOOD. :)


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