Friday, March 28, 2014

Planes, Trains and No Automobiles in NYC

What are you guys up to this weekend?  Ernesto and I are flying up to NYC for a few days.  I have been in the city 5 million times (actual count there), but this time will be different.  Traveling with two kids could possibly change our go with the flow style...wait a minute...Ill be with 3 Espinozas?  Yep, we are meeting  abuela y tata there so... no way we can plan this trip out.  All we know is that we are meeting Ernesto's college buddy (and family) Sunday in Brooklyn, meeting Ernesto's parents Monday and then later in the week we are taking a train down to DC for a couple days.

We aren't taking car seats for the boys, hence the title to this post. Planes, Trains and NO Automobiles.
I am totally fine with taking public transportation.  In fact, I really like to take the subway and "live like a local" in any city I visit.  But I also know sometimes it is so nice to just hop in a cab and not think about directions...especially if you have been walking all day...and have two tired kids...and have a big ass stroller to squeeze in a crowded bus/train.  Im not 100% opposed to taking a taxi, but we will avoid it.  By the way, it's not illegal for kids to not sit in car seats on public transportation, but it's still a car.  And have you been in a taxi in NYC or any other large city for that matter?  They can be totally crazy drivers, right?

I will leave the navigating up to Ernesto.  I am always the follower when we travel anyway.

I just booked our hotel.  The Westin Grand Central.   We will be using our Starwood points, thank god, because, damn, the hotels are expensive.  All the hotels cost double the points (of other cities) too, but it is New York, I guess.  Im hoping we can get upgraded to a suite.  Having 2 rooms would really be handy.

Nonetheless, I have requested adjoining rooms for us and Ernesto's parents.  This way we can hang out in the other room while the kids sleep.  Being in Midtown, Im pretty sure every room (high up) has to have an awesome view.  I can see it now, Mateo is going to be standing right up on this window sill. Yikes!
It's going to be an adventure, I know that!  I imagine we will be frequenting one of the twenty-some playgrounds in Central Park, which isn't too far from our hotel.
I can't wait to take Mateo up in one of the tall buildings too.  That little dare devil might actually get scared! ha.

We are taking one large suitcase for the four of us, one stroller and a baby carrier (the Ergo).  The hotel has a crib, so that saves us from lugging a pack n play. (yeah right! can you imagine carrying all that shit?)  We are taking a 745am flight Sunday morning and have to leave the house "no later than 6a" ...which means we may get out by 630.  Wish us luck.

Follow me on Instagram where Ill be posting daily pics.  Of course there will be a full report here on the blog upon my return.  Hope you are having a great weekend!


  1. if you're looking for some kid-friendly things to do in NYC, always has awesome ideas!! Have fun!! XO

  2. here are some of her best:

    1. thanks girl! i referenced her blog several times!

  3. whoops - here:

  4. Hi Cindy!

    I just found your blog off of your comment on LGN about your concrete planters. You are so cute and creative! I look forward to following along!



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