Friday, December 20, 2013

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas...Finally!

Are you guys ready for Christmas?  We are...finally!  We had a couple stragglers wanting Christmas lights this week, but for the most part we were able to hang out as a family.  

 Ernesto took this photo on his last official day of work.  
Every night, he calls us when he was a few minutes away and we head out to the porch to greet him.  He toots his horn all the way down the street and Mateo gets really excited.  He usually climbs in and helps papi park the truck.

The lighting pro wrapped our tree with a mix of the opaque colored C-9s (my favorite)
 clear C-7s and led [warm white] mini lights.
 This little guy was a great helper

 In fact, he placed all of the ornaments on the tree.
This little guy was happy to roll around on the floor and watch.

We made a special trip to Lennox Mall so the boys could sit with Santa.  Mateo's face is that same scared stiff look as when we visited him last year.  Marcelo is happy [per his usual] and tapping mateo on the arm as to say "come on, this is fun smile!"

The lighting pros finally worked on our house (last but not least) and of course Mateo wanted to help.
"luz, luz papa up"
He would've climbed right to the top If I had let him.  Boy is he a daredevil.

Down the street at Turner Field was the ongoing Global Winter Wonderland.  We had been passing  the display in our car for over a month, so it was cool to finally go inside to see what it was all about. There were "monuments" from all around the world lit up in lights, international food and a some carnival rides.
It was totally geared for kids, which was fine...because... we have kids.  We used a living social coupon for a 2 for 1 admission.  Mateo ran around like a madman [past his bedtime], rode the ferris wheel, bumper cars and some little bee cars [4 times] that go in a circle.
Totally worth it just to watch him explore something new.

Merry Christmas!  What are you guys doing for the holidays? We are off to Ohio this weekend! Looking forward to what I hope will be a white Christmas with the family.

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