Saturday, May 26, 2012

[I could eat a dozen] Pickled Eggs

Oh wait...I mean I did eat a dozen pickled eggs! 
When I was in Ohio last week, my mom made pickled eggs.  Besides being a delicious, healthy snack, these magenta beauties evoke some nostalgia for my childhood.   

The day after we got home, I bought an extra dozen eggs to pickle for myself.  I called my mom for the recipe;  I couldn't believe how simple it was.  I can see these being a constant in our fridge this summer.

These would be great for that Memorial Day picnic you are attending.

Mom's Pickled Eggs
One dozen hard boiled eggs*
1 16oz can red beets in water
1/4 cup white vinegar
1tbsp sugar
1tsp salt
water to cover eggs

*remember to boil at room temp so they peel easily

Heat vinegar and add sugar until dissolved.  To a large jar, add eggs, can of beets, vinegar and salt.  Add water to cover eggs completely.  Let stand in refrigerator a minimum of 24 hours. 

These eggs only get tastier with time, but I could hardly wait a day before consuming....all of them.
I will be making another batch pronto.  Although these are perfect as-is, I may try adding a habanero  next time.  Some like it HOT!

On a related side note, last year I pickled a peck of peppers and they turned out delish.  Neto has some cucumbers and canning jars ready to try another recipe...adding his signature heat to the batch.  I'll  be sure to let you know how they turn out.

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