Saturday, December 11, 2010

Indian Glass Christmas Tree Ornaments

Last year I fell in love with these glass Christmas tree ornaments from India that I kept seeing at TjMaxx.  I bought a few then and this year saw them again.  I continued to stock up, knowing they are too heavy for my live tree.  (A beautiful Noble Fir that I will show you soon!)
I had an idea that one day I will have an outdoor tree wrapped in white lights and dangle these beauties from the branches. 
That was my idea.......until I saw this:
OMG!  Isn't it beautiful??  The reader who submitted this picture to Desire to Inspire (an awesome design blog) said that she has been working on this masterpiece for 4 years!  She estimates that there are over 500 glass ornaments.

This gives me a whole new mission.  If any family members would like to give me these ornaments as a xmas gift (check tj's and marshalls) I would be so happy!  I may have to shoot for a wreath next year.  I like to shop, but it's going to take a while to get together a collection like this.

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