Friday, December 10, 2010

Fit Fridays: DAY 41 OF INSANITY

Well, I am still on the INSANITY bandwagon.  I have to be honest, I am so ready for this "challenge" to be over!  I can't believe I have lasted this long.  It is causing way more planning and routine than I like in my life.
Today marks day 41 out of 63.  This week I started the second month of workouts where the workouts got harder and even longer than the first month.  I have determined that Shaun T is in fact, insane. 
 Some of the moves he does makes me shake my head and shout expletives.

But the bottom line is this: I am in shape, my muscles are more defined, and most importantly, I can eat whatever the heck I want because I am burning a lot of calories....6 days a week. Viva Insanity!

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