Friday, June 04, 2010

Fit Fridays: New Month New Goals

I always feel like the beginning of a new week or a new month is a good starting point.  Ok, it's June !  Starting this month, Im going to do this this and this.  Im not sure why.  Can't I start something on the 22nd of the month? Do you do this too?

To me, June 1st, though not the first day of summer,  feels like .....the first day of summer.  When I think of summer I think of the beach, and when I think of the beach, I think of bathing suits and when I think of bathing suits I think of working out and when I think of working out I think of my eating habits. Healthy.  I want to look healthy and I want to feel healthy.  There is always a bigger push when summer rolls around.

{Roatan, Honduras}

I have to consider that if I ever want to complete #13 on The List,  I should probably do it sooner than later.  (Im just saying I will be 37 in November. Yikes!)  Also, since we will be on the beach in San Diego this summer,  I have mucho motivation brewing in me.  So, I will workout at least 5 days per week. No excuses!

Im going to do a little extra too.  I will start the "no sweets and no [or maybe limited] alcohol" regimen again.   I noticed when I gave it up for 40 days earlier this year, my skin looked a lot nicer.  Plus you have to understand, when I stay at Ernesto's parents there is junk food galore and I would rather restrict myself totally than rely on self discipline and moderation.  Not my strong points.

So without further ado, this weeks' activities so far:

Wednesday,  June 2 - Run 3 miles
Thursday, June 3 - Run 5 miles
Friday, June 4 - Crossfit  -  3 rounds.  21reps-15reps- 9reps of squat snatches, pull-ups

What are you doing to jump start your summer?

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