Monday, December 14, 2009

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas...

Every year it seems the Christmas season really starts after Floyd and Richard have their annual Christmas party. This was probably our 6th year attending and, it never fails to put me in the holiday spirit. They go all out decorating both inside and out. (Lighting is of course done by Ernesto!) Since my current job has a very relaxed dress code, I was especially excited this year to dress up. One day a few weeks ago, I worked outside with Ernesto and [since it was cold and raining... and I didn't complain once] he paid me $100 cash. Of course I went right to TJMaxx and bought a beautiful outfit. (Tahari black pencil skirt, Kensie silk blouse and Soft black suede/patent leather heels and belt....all for under $80!! What a bargain shopper I am!)
At the party we posed in front of their beautiful tree (as we do every year) Below with pose with our lovely hosts, Richard (far left) and Floyd.
We always have a nice time, catching up with friends that we see only once a year at this particular party. Every year we vow to get together during the year, only to see them again at the next years party. haha! The food was literally smorgusboard [orgusboard, orgusboard] and we had to try everything. Here Ernesto shows no restraint...eating off the serving spoon! (just kidding Floyd!)

It was finally time for the Christmas Light Pros to think about decorating their home for Christmas. Ernesto brought home the most gorgeous tree this year. It's called a Noble Fir and I am loving its bright green color and full figure. This past Sunday, It was cold and raining. Ernesto was still out there putting up lights. (pobresito) I stayed inside our cozy place decorating to my new favorite Christmas CD from Starbucks .
I bought a few heavy glass ornaments from TJMaxx this year and some turquoise beauties from one of our suppliers. Plus last year after xmas I went to Target and bought a several birdie ornaments with real feathers. Add those to the beautiful collection I already had, and I must say I have such an eclectic Christmas tree, it makes me so happy. I hate that we are so late putting it up....I think I will keep it there as long as it lives!
You may have noticed that my wall color has changed from a bright orange to a perfect turquoise. (this completes #24 on THE LIST) It's a great backdrop for the greenery, the white tree skirt and my furry white stockings.
I love Christmas! Have you guys tried anything different with your decor this year??

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