Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Beauty Boost at Carter Barnes

Do you need a beauty boost? Are you unemployed? Are you looking for sanity in your busy day? Yes, yes and yes.

I was reading this article on daily candy Dec.2, and it said that Carter Barnes, an exclusive salon in Buckhead's Phipps Plaza, was having an event for women during these hard economic times, called "Beauty Boost."
"Carter Barnes salon is out to prove it with a day of charitable services for local women who could use a little oomph during these bad economic times."

I can see some of you rolling your eyes, but I'll have you know that I have not paid to get my hair done for a year and a half in order to save money!! That was before I left for Costa Rica and my hair go so light because of all the sun, I need to balance that out again. I am not at the beach anymore!!

I wrote my little story about how I voluntarily left my job to volunteer for Habitat for Humanity and I had no idea how bad the job market would be I got back. I have been unemployed for over 6 months! yikes!

There were over 2000 applicants for Beauty Boost, and guess what??? I was one of the 250 women they chose!! woo-hoo! Hair cut, color, highlights, botox all for FREE!!
Hell no, I didn't get botox! Are you kidding? I really don't even like to color my hair, I like to be a natural beauty! You can see in the pic below how blondie my hair got in Costa Rica, I had to go for a richer color, my natural color please.
After getting my hair color done and loving how they gave my hair a "blow out", I decided not to go for the cut. I really like my hair long. I asked Theresa the stylist, "Do you watch Mad Men?"
I told her I have been wanting to learn how to turn my long hair into all of these awesome 50's and 60's hair styles. She rolled my hair up in velcro rollers and put me under the dryer.
After our hair was done we were sent over to the professional photographers for some head shots! This was too cool. I wasn't able to capture my poofed up hair in the back here, but my professional shots will be ready for pick up this Friday.
After the "photo shoot" it was on to meet with the recruiters. I took copies of my resume and got some great advice on rearranging, adding/deleting info to cater to the types of jobs Im searching for.... domestic goddess based in Mexico at $80,000 a year please, they said they would keep their eyes open for it and give me a call.
At the end I walked away with a beautiful hairdo [on a Monday afternoon with no where to go] and a great goodie bag with full size bottles of Kerastase shampoo and other goodies, including a gift card to Belk.
A big thank you to Carter Barnes for this wonderful event and generous gift right in time for the holidays! I went home happy with my new Mad Men look and put on my apron and cooked my hard working husband a delicious home cooked [Indian] meal. It was ready when he walked in the door. I make the meals, clean the house and try to look good while doing it. Its a full time job!

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