Saturday, March 07, 2020

Espinoza Meet-Up in Punta Mita Mexico

Well, Tavo did it again! He organized another Espinoza get together...this time in Punta Mita Mexico!

Paloma and her cousin Zacky were the lucky kids that got to tag along on this "adults only" trip. They are both only in preschool, so we decided it was fine for them to miss. 
Because Leandro is currently staying with us, we took advantage of the free babysitter and slipped away with Paloma for 6 days. Mateo and Marcelo love Leandro and I know they had a good time with him. He took them back and forth to school and out to eat Brazilian steak.  He updated us with pictures...
We flew Delta direct to Puerto Vallarta and we bought confirmed tickets ! OUCH...but also, NICE. Punta de Mita is about one hour north of Puerto Vallarta.   We were excited to hit a new spot in Mexico.  The last time we flew into Puerto Vallarta?  Our Honeymoon almost 19 years ago!

A week before we left Ernesto asked me if I wanted to do a 3 day fast with him before our trip.  He has been listening to Nike's "Trained" podcasts and is constantly inspired to live healthier and get stronger.  I love that idea too, and I also love an eating challenge, so I agreed! 

Because we have been doing intermittent fasting for a long while now, the first day was quite easy. Coffee and water. Period. 

By day three though I was feeling weird.  I would not say I was sluggish as you might assume after not eating.  I was alert and ....giddy. Almost like a high kind of giddy.  Heightened senses maybe?!  Whatever it was, I did want to end it with eating something!  I don’t think we had ever been sooooooo eager to land and eat airport food. The fact that the prize of FOOD in Mexico after THREE DAYS of nothing was even  better.  OK.... 68 HOURS.  We were 4 hours shy of the full 72, but we weren't going to fast once in Mexico! Duh.

Crazy experience, but do a little research if you are interested.  There are some interesting-amazing things that happen in your body when you deprive it of food.  We thought....what a perfect way to “break the fast” ...landing in Mexico!

Ernesto's parents and brothers were arriving an hour or so after us, so we parked ourselves right outside of customs and scarfed down some of the best food.  Now I have had great food at Mexican airports, but this time Im not 100% sure that it was great food, but it tasted 100% delicious!!  For the first time in my life, I felt what it's like to be really hungry.  (something this grazer never experiences) 

Paloma kept watch for the familia at the customs exit. 

Once the whole fam arrived we piled into a big suburban and headed up the road. 

We pulled up to THIS....and I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 

Hello St. Regis Punta de Mita!!

Talk about going first class!!  This place was UNBELIEVABLE!!  I think I can safely say this is the nicest hotel I have ever experienced. 

It’s a gorgeous property on the ocean with beautiful landscaping at every twist and turn.  The most impressive part of this hotel though was the service.  Truly FIVE stars.

Ahhhh breakfast served on the private patio by your butler?! Sí seńor!

Look at these two lucky ducks.  Being in preschool has its benefits!
Exploring the rocks and building a sandcastle fortress!
The adults got in many games of Pegs and Jokers.
The St. Regis was so beautiful and relaxing. The epitome of hospitality. You feel special here.
Daytime lounging by the pool turned into evening drinks on the beach.
One night we enjoyed dinner at this beachside did not suck.
And the sunsets?  Yep, equally un-sucky.
The crazy thing is that we had rooms booked at TWO different hotels.  Two rooms at the St. Regis (for Ernesto's padres and Tavo & Erin) and then two rooms at the all-inclusive Grand Palladium Vallarta Resort & Spa.  (one for us and one for Jerry & Shelly) 
We bounced back and forth.  
As you can imagine, the all-inclusive Grand Palladium was a different vibe vs the St Regis.  Beachfront, as well, but just a little louder with more action. ha!  The pool area was wonderful - complete with slides for the kids.  

Paloma and Zacky got all the attention and picked where they wanted to hang. 
Beach - pool - beach - pool.  I love this picture of the kids with abuela.

The beaches at both resorts were rocky, so most swimming was done in the pools but we still got our feet wet and played in the sand. 
The beach swings were a hit!
I especially loved how this hotel lit up at night.  
Of course, the luxury at the St. Regis had us spending time there ...even though our other hotel was all-inclusive 😫.
The rooms were right on the beach and very secluded...private beach anyone???

After a few nights, we all ended up at the Palladium all inclusive and had just as much fun.  Its about who you are with, right?!

One day we explored the quaint beach town of Sayulita.  The banners and "gods eyes" hanging across the streets welcomed us and it was truly love at first sight for me!  
So much character!  The shops were boutiquey, the open air markets rustic, the dirt/sand roads charming...

The backdrops for great photos were endless!! I love these two of mis suegras.

Side note:  When we got back to Atlanta I immediately started looking for a house to buy in Sayulita.  I could definitely see us living in a house in the hills above this beach.  A girl has to dream!! 

Don't mind me with my mini-me in our Marimekko dresses. This is the first time we have donned matching outfits and we both loved it! 

One of my absolute favorite things about Mexico is the abundance of fruit stands. 
If you are at the beach, there will be a fruit cart nearby.  Mango with chile and lime on a stick please!!

You can also count on women offering to braid your hair.  I have done this many times over the years.  Beach hair tends to get tangled and unruly, so braiding keeps it tidy! Paloma sat patiently and loved the results.  (although she wanted more beads.  One at the end just wasn't enough) 

We sat outside at one of the sand floor restaurants on the beach and proceeded to order a feast.  Whole Snappers with the essentials: beans, tortillas, salsas and guac.  You can't skip the fresh and spicy seafood cocktails either.  Wash it all down with a michelada.  Oh my!
Love this sweet picture of Ernesto carrying Paloma.  This little mexicana was worn out!

All-in-all a smooth trip! I would love to come back with the boys and maybe rent a house above the ocean.   (You know, test it out before buying....verbalizing your dreams makes the possibility real right??)
Speaking of .... were ready to see my two balls of energy.  Although I relished the ease of traveling with one child, I really missed them so much.  💕💕

Adios Mexico......until we meet again!! 

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