Friday, November 30, 2018

Christmas Lights + Halloween + I'm 45 +Thankgsgiving!

Yes, you read that title correctly. I have to jam all this into ONE grab a cup of coffee friends.

Christmas lights in October?!  I KNOOOOOOW.  This is how the Pros [have to] do it!
We started installing lights October 1st this year.  Ridiculous, but we have grown so much every year, we have to start early.  There are a lot of other companies offering this service in Atlanta, and we aren't the only company installing before Halloween.
We actually used to give "early bird discounts" but now people just have to book early to get a spot, as we fill up fast! We are at a pivitol point with our business.  More crews?  More trucks? That is the logical next step, but earning more money is not always better (otherwise we would work year-round! haha!).  We have enjoyed the simplicity and manageability of our current size and although we have to hire extra help each season, we love our core team that has been with us for years!

Thank you Cecilio, Leandro and of course tio Brrrian!!

Yeah so we started the season October 1st, and both the boys played on different soccer teams.  Talk about soccer mom duty.  It was just a little hectic.

This was Marcelo's first season on a team and although he fooled around the whole time he wasn't a  super serious player, he was so fun to watch!  He had a ton of fun and really learned a lot about the game.

I think he could take it or leave it.  His obsession lies with exploring the woods around the soccer fields. Ha!  Snake hunting...salamander handling... and "crystal" excavating are what revs him up. 

Mateo on the other hand is SUPER SERIOUSLY OBSESSED with soccer.  His head is in the game and he is eager to play the whole time.

Oh!  Also in other BIG October, a spot finally opened up for Mateo at GLOBE Academy with his brother!! 👏
So. Relieved.  I tell you!
As luck would have it too, the opening was for SPANISH 😜(T.G.-as opposed to French or Mandarin) When I told Mateo, his first reaction was tears and yelling not of excitement, but in the 10 minute car ride to go pick up his hermano at school, he accepted it and excitedly told Marcelo when he got in the car.  
Im SO happy!  Three kids in three different schools?  NO.

I know we are new to the GLOBE family (as they call it), but I am loving what I see so far!  The teachers are great, the students diverse, and the parents involved.
There are a lot of opportunities to meet/mingle with parents.  I love the great international events to celebrate diversity and culture.  (A MUST in my book!)

Here is my little mexi-CAN Marcelo looking soooooo handsome in his sombrero and traditional mariachi jacket. (I scored both thrifting!! So good right?)

The school is a Dekalb County public school, but because it is a Charter school, there are many efforts to raise money that can directly be spent on this school.  One of which is the annual GLOBE Trot.  The school, parents, local sponsors raised over $100k for this event.  The kids "trotted" around the track for their sponsors!  It was a beautiful day and the kids had a great time. 

Yada yada yada, more soccer momming, more Christmas light calls, and then somehow it was Halloween.  What whaaaat??

For school dress up Marcelo was.........guess who?
Remind you of anyone?

Please tell me you have seen the movie COCO!?!?! If not, please do!  Such a wonderful story and it beautifully tells the story of Mexico's holiday -Day of the Dead or dia de los muertos.

Marcelo turned into a gecko for evening trick or treating.  Mateo stuck with the same ninja costume as last year (Can you believe that? Too easy!) and I can't even with Palomas flamingo costume! 😍😍

im just going to throw on my sequin witch hat and dress every year.  It's a family tradition in the early stages. My signature costume if you will.
We grabbed dinner at YEAH burger in Virginia Highlands and headed right on down the road (Lanier) afterwards.  To me, VH is one of the best neighborhoods for trick-or-treat.  EVERYONE decorates and participates and the houses are close together so the kids can hit one house per minute! haha
They CLEANED up!!
Oh the cavities!!
They separated all the Skittles for Aunt Jenny (its her favorite candy!!)
As liuck would have it, she flew down the next week! I know she won't like this picture of her un-showered-self  (it must have been before 1pm) but just remember Fred, no one (and I mean no one) reads my blog anymore.
**are you there?  If you are reading, I DARE you to leave a comment!
Mostly because I haven't posted anything (right?)  RIGHT.
And hold your breath, because this is the pic that is really good.
WOW! That is a bad picture of me. (is that something black in my front teeth?)  😱
We were up LATE looking tired and haggard. But! Laughing. So. HARD.  (Remember that 34' Airstream Fred?)  Im posting this because I just want to remember the fun.  Also, how are the lines around my mouth so much deeper when I am younger?? LOLOLOLOL

You know she had to organize my refrigerator while she was here (it has become a tradition!)
"Group things together Fred.  It just makes sense."
That lasted about 2 days after she left.  My brain is just not wired for this.

My 45th birthday came and went.  All my birthdays do when overshadowed by Christmas lights 🙄

Of note though....I made a HUGE beauty mistake on my birthday... I seem to make the same mistake every few years.  I went into the salon hoping to come out feeling 35 and instead came out feeling 55.

I told my sister,  "I think I'm going to get bangs like Many Moore"
She said, "Don't do it Fred."
"But look how cute this looks Fred" I said

"Don't do it Fred, you won't take care of them." she proceeded.
Meanwhile in another text my 27 year old niece was saying "YES! Do it! That will look so cute!" 

Who do you think I listened to?
Yeah...that was a dear in headlights look at myself once in the car.

Those [mostly grey] hairs were pinned up almost immediately and I felt a whole lot better about being 45 at my birthday dinner!
My parents flew down to celebrate my birthday (as they always do-thank you mom and dad!)  and Ernesto, although working hard, managed to make a perfect birthday dinner reservation.

I thought for sure it was going to be Taverna Plaka, (a long standing Greek restaurant close to our house).  The belly dancer was a HUGE hit and kept the kids entertained.  Especially Marcelo.  He didn't take his eyes off of her...and she noticed.  Actually everyone in the restaurant noticed. haha

The more he stared, the more attention he got from her.  The fact he kept placing money in her belt didn't hurt either. ha!  ps. the next day this girl was inspired to give belly dancing a go...and you know I have the props.
Anyhoo, I thought we might be going to that restaurant again ...but nope.  

NAKATO Japanese Steak house is super close to us too and was a great spot for a big (noisy!) group.   I have passed this place so many times over the years, yet we've never been.
The kids were thoroughly entertained (hello high flames and flying food!) and because of the high noise level in the place, we weren't shushing them all night.  Oh!  And the food was delish!
Good job Nester!  What a great night with the people I love!
My dad completed one of my "honey do's." Hanging my strips of hooks on the built-in shelves downstairs made a huge difference in the "what goes where" department at casa Espinoza.  These shelves will eventually get doors and paint (another honey-do) but yay for a step in the right direction. You're the best dad!
My dad also shared his iPad with the kids.  Who wants to hear the Gummy Bear song again??

Last but not least
Thanksgiving.  We had a full house.
Richard & Floyd, Gene & his girlfriend, tio Brian & Alecia, Smita & Rashid and US!
Not the best pictures, but they will have to do.

Smita and I had fun with the menu, but didn't overdo it or stress.  I roasted a rosemary laden turkey with my mom's classic stuffing inside.  After a 24 hour brine, it came out super delicious and juicy! 
Brussel sprouts were photographed because.....LOOK AT THEM!  Also Moscow Mules were the signature drink and oh so refreshing! 

The day after Thanksgiving we had visitors.  Our dear old neighbors from Grant Park (who moved to PA) Beth & clan.  Gavin and Mateo played together daily when I was pregnant with Marcelo and Beth was pregnant with Gabby. 
It's so crazy how all the kids have grown so FAST!

Let me just leave you with this:

Until next time, 😘

1 comment:

  1. Judi Bola Online adalah permainan yang dapat memberi dampak atau akibat terhadap para pemainnya. Baik atau Buruknya akibat yang di terima oleh sang pecandu bukanlah hal yang ditakutkan. Melainnya sudah menjadi sebuah tradisi yang wajib dinikmati walau (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)


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