Monday, May 15, 2017

My Finds : Tales of Craigslist and Beyond

Guys, It has been a while since I showed you any of my SCORES!  If you follow me on Instagram you have seen some, but I thought I would pull them all together here. These have all been acquired while living in our "new" house (how long can you call it a new house anyway?).

Not everything has an official spot yet, but the hoarder in me had to grab now and place later.  Is that how you do it?  Or do you shop for a specific piece knowing exactly where you will put it??

This first score happened right after moving.  Four barstools.  And guess what?  We don't even have a bar in our kitchen. LOL  BUT WE WILL!! So I hoard until that day comes.

This deal doesn't come along too often, so I had to.

4 vintage Milo Baughman BRASS cantilevered bar stools. BRASS!! They are in very great condition, I might add.  (minus the horrible fabric, but that is an easy diy)  These things can be priced quite ridiculously.

For example, here they are on Charish for $1100 for just TWO!

Here they are at CB2.  These are not vintage but the Mack Stool is the exact same style for $299 each! 

Wait, wait, wait....How about paying almost $5k for four on 1st Dibs??  That is just ridiculous!

(1st Dibs is always ridiculous expensive - it is for people who want cool-ass vintage pieces and have no monetary restrictions - or Craiglisting skills for that matter.  Who knows maybe they have never even heard of Craigslist?)

Whenever I find a deal, I go to 1st Dibs to make myself REALLY feel good.

Are you ready to hear how much I paid for mine???
Drumroll please..............

Sorry 1st Dibs, I am going to stick to my search and find methods.

Take a guess how much I paid for a brass chest from Sarreid of Spain.....

Mine needs some serious polishing but potentially will look like the shinny one above and I scored it for only $200 !!!!!

How about $3200 for a BIG set of embossed brass deer??

Or $50 on Facebook Marketplace - Have you used this resource? There is usually a lot of crap to wade through.....but ....BRASS DEER!! 
Yeah, these babies are perfect flanking a burning fire! 

Annnnd...Since we are talking brass animals, let me tell you a sob story. 

I found a set of HUGE brass giraffes on Craigslist.  Like 4 and 3 foot HUGE.  I was dying.  I had to have them.  The guy was asking a bargain price of $200, which is great, but being the bargainer that I am, he agreed to $180.  He lived 40-50 minutes north of Atlanta, but said he was passing through Atlanta on his way to Florida the next day.  What a deal and almost no hassle!  

Well, the next day, you know what happened?  I was raking my yard and missed his call.  I missed him by 10 minutes and he would not pick up his phone. He left me a voicemail saying "I guess the giraffes are going to FL"  I was frantic.  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!  WAIT!  STOP! 

I MAY have sent him five a couple text messages that portrayed me as a crazy-brass-obsessed girl. 

Also, this is one of those times that you DON'T want to look at 1st Dibs...cry cry cry

$4,000.  FOUR THOUSAND!!!!!!   UGH.

This was hard to get over.  BUT! Just like in a relationship, the best way to forget about someone is to find someone else. Ha!

Enter The. Brass. Herons

I mean who would pay $1,200 for these huge brass Herons....??

...when you could find them on Asheville Craigslist for $40 (bargained down to $30)??
And mine are better.  Look at the big bases!  They need a little shining, but aren't these 1970's Herons going to be AWESOME in front of my 1960's house, positioned just so in our new landscaping??  Can you see it??  CAN YOU??  What. A. Score!!  Possibly one of my best! 

One recent sale (found on had a cool mcm house JAMMED full of ART from a renowned Atlanta painter. I was able to pick up a few portraits that spoke to me.  Im not sure WHY they spoke to me, but they did.  And now here they are, sitting.  Waiting patiently to be hung.

Sooooooo back in August, my brother texted me from a thrift store in Wooster Ohio.
Him:  "Is this mid century modern?
Me:   OMG! That is gorgeous!  Are the handles brass?
Him:  Yes. 
Me:  How much is it?
Him:  $249 for two night stands, tallboy, credenza with large mirror.  
Me:  WHAT?  I MUST have that.  Im going to buy it right now.
Him:  You're nuts."

And that is what I did.  I called up Friendtique in Wooster Ohio and bought it over the phone.  I had to wait 6 months to get it delivered, but it worked out fine. 

(on a side note:  I'm probably not going to use Paul's Shuttle anymore for furniture.  The service to and from the airport has always been fast, friendly and efficient, but it's somethin' different hauling long distances. Plus he told me he doesn't want my business anymore.)

I split up the set.  Credenza in the living room and tallboy/nightstands in the bedroom.  
I LOVE them so much.  I shined them up with Wax-N-Feed and they are beautiful!! 

Also, in the picture above is a rug I got off Craigslist. It is nice, but Im not in love with it.  I wanted a more tribal design..and maybe a little more black than red.  hmm

The HUGE vintage oil painting was scored in Asheville last year but we had to leave it there with my brother for a while.  Ernesto actually really liked it, too mostly because it is the Hotel Del Coronado, an old famous hotel in San Diego.

Remember my Craigslisted bed that I had re-built/recovered/tufted last year?  
Well, I wasn't into it anymore.  It was a monstrous STURDY bed, but from day one I was not happy with the tufting.  Also, the footboard drove me nuts-it didn't go with the headboard.  Turns out, I wished that I had not altered the original shell shape of this beauty.  (#designregrets) Oh well. It just didn't fit in my new house "plan"  anyway (right, like there is one, but..)  

I wanted something more...simple and streamlined.

When a perfect replacement turned up on Craigslist, I put the "old" one up for sale the next day. 

Luckily the blue bed was an easy sell on NextDoor, and this beauty (that looks identical to the $1000 Acorn bed at West Elm, by the way) was picked up by my sweet husband for just $100!!!! 
I am looooooooving the wood grain.
And it looks super nice next to our dark teal wall.
Are you still there?  Want to see another score?
I found a pair of these parsons ottomans at the same thrift store as the above bedroom set. (in Ohio)

Unfortunately they did not make it on Paul's Shuttle to Atlanta and are still sitting in my parents basement. 
I loved the square-ness of these but I do NOT love the fabric.  (It's not the flame stitch so much as the green and pink together) 

 I envision these beauties in this fabric.
Right? Right??

ANNNNNND.....Just for shits and giggles, let's take a look at a pair of these on 1st Dibs.
 Oh that is so satisfying, isn't it?  (ridiculous as that price is ha)

I'll try and do more of these posts since I am ALWAYS finding deals.
Which do you think is my best score???  Do you even like ANYTHING that I posted?? LOL
Oh well, to each his own.  I love what I love and hopefully once all these things are arranged in my house, you will see too that they are AWESOME!!! 

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