Monday, February 13, 2017

Asheville + a Stop at West Elm Outlet

So, now that we are finished up with Christmas lights, we are starting to turn our focus to the house.  FINALLY!!!!
I have been sitting here imagining for MONTHS some of the things that we can/should do.  Number one being PAINT.  Oh what a difference paint makes! This has been underway for weeks, and we are coming close to completion (which I will share in a separate post) but the furniture situation has been sketchy since we moved in.  Our big leather couch is living in the downstairs of our new house.  I wanted something less huge for upstairs.  My requirements were leather and not puffy. 
I was almost set on a sectional for our living room.  It really would be perfect in our space.
This vintage beauty was calling my name for MONTHS.  It was perfect style-wise and the price was RIGHT!  But then it was CREAM FABRIC!  After a brief survey on FB, my friends verified that I would be absolutely nuts to get that with three toddlers.  But it is sooooooo good!

Still, the more I thought about it, I knew that I wanted leather.  Also, I realized that it would be very limiting in my layout.

Even more worrisome than limiting my layout options was limiting the number of chairs I could fit in the room.  GASP!  (and you know I have a chair addiction)

Last year when visiting my brother in Asheville I discovered that the West Elm Outlet is 15 minutes from his house.  What a great resource!  I only purchased a rug there last year, but with discounts being up to 60% off regular prices, I thought I should check there for a sofa.

I simply called the store Thursday and asked "Could you tell me if you have any couches in a saddle colored leather please?"  To which the wonderful saleslady, Sherry, replied yes!

Enter the Modern Chesterfield sofa. 

They put it on hold for me and at 7pm Friday night I decided I was going to take a road trip to Asheville sans family. (Ernesto was not into driving that weekend, but did want a couch, so he sent me off)  I tried my persuasiveness on two friends [who have kids] so they would drop everything and go with me, but it was just too late:(

I ended up on the road sola with Starbucks in hand at 10am.  It was an exhilerating feeling...ahhh to be free!!  I ended up talking to my sister on the phone for the THREE hour drive.  She was painting and I was driving, so we both loved passing the time on the phone.

She said "Wow, this is great! I haven't had your undivided attention for years." LOL. So. True.

What a relaxing morning. Things got even better when I walked into West Elm to find all the sofas were and EXTRA 20% off!! yeah!
 I was so close to buying this sofa as well.  The Brooklyn has the coolest wooden legs and of course the "licorice" leather was so good. 
Wasn't sure if my room could handle two full size couches, but if I had thought they would fit in the truck I would've just bought it and figured out what to do with it later.  #supergooddeal  #storyofmylife 
 With the money that I "saved" from the unexpected 20% discount, I was able to basically get two chandeliers FOR FREE.
I am such a great shopper!!

I made it to tio Brrrian's house by 4pm and we hung out a bit in the old cabby-cabin before heading downtown for some noodle bowls and out to his friend Jeff's farm where we had a major jam session in his new, awesomely modern barn.  No pics of IT, but this video is sure to make you smile.
Tio Brrrian has a great group of friends who I have gotten to know over the years and I was happy to party it up with them.  It had been waaaaaaay too long.  It was nice having some beers knowing that I didn't have any responsibilities the next morning. Yes!
The next morning while lounging with coffee, I just happened to open up Craigslist Asheville to see if there was anything interesting...and you aren't going to believe this but THERE WAS...there was something interesting!!  Veeeeeery interesting indeed! In fact, I decided immediately that I needed it and could not text the lady fast enough.

"Will you take $25?"  (she was asking $40 which was a total STEAL yet the bargainer that I am, I had to offer less)  "I can come this morning and pick these up.  Please text me asap."

No answer, no answer.

Brrrian and I headed out for breakfast and a little cruise around town.  Past the Grover Park Inn, which is amazing no matter how many times you drive by.
Also, I'm sorry, but who has an all copper roof??  Gutters too?? This house. Drooooling......

Back to the cabin....

I was all packed up to leave Asheville and .....Still no word from the Craigslist seller.
Sigh.   I left for Atlanta. 

Well no,  the lady did not return my text.....until TWO DAYS later when I was already back in Atlanta....without ANY bargaining power.
This guy wanted NOTHING to do with my Craigslist transaction.

He ignored my texts even. Not abnormal actually, but I knew with this favor looming he would NEVER answer.  UGH!  Tio Brrriannnnnnnnnnnn! Donde estassssss???

I ended up having now choice but to ask my sweet friend Fenella (whom I met through Brrrian) if she would mind picking up the treasures.  She answered me back in one minute flat. 
"Sure.  What is the address?"  Oh I love it when things are so easy!

So what was it that I HAD to have???  You are dying to know, right?
What did I NEED to have so badly?

Wait for it.....Behold...... my new pets.....heron 1 and heron 2
OMG!!  I AM SO EXCITED to get these birdies polished up and sitting in front of my house!  Oh, what a SCORE! This is probably one of my best.  $30??  They are over 3' tall!!! Solid brass! Ridiculous.  I am a little bit scared that Fenella and Rob might be getting too attached to these guys.  She told me the first day that she really likes them and wants me to help her find some herons too.  I mean look how awesome they are sitting in her yard, can you blame her?
Sometimes you don't know what you need until you do your friend a favor and pick up some herons and place them in your yard.  Yes, yes I need 2 huge brass herons!!

And there you have it my friends.  That is how my wonderful care free, couch buying, brother visiting, beer drinking, heron stalking weekend went down.  FUN FUN FUN!!


  1. In case you were wondering, I will not deliver your herons! However, it was great hanging out with you, big sister! Reminded me a bit of our backpacking trip to Europe.

    1. Thanks for your generous offer tio Brrrian! Ha,,well no problem, I guess we will have to come visit..twist my arm!
      Yes the weekend was super fun. Would love a real repeater europa trip one day!!!

    2. Thanks for your generous offer tio Brrrian! Ha,,well no problem, I guess we will have to come visit..twist my arm!
      Yes the weekend was super fun. Would love a real repeater europa trip one day!!!


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