Monday, September 19, 2016

A Weekend in Savannah!

Back in August when we put our house up for sale we took a little road trip.

Since our house looked PERFECT for the listing, we knew that there was NO WAY we could be living there while the house was being shown. Three kids and a spotless house? No can do. Thank God we went under contract right away because we couldn't really stay out of town too long with Mateo's new school schedule (i.e.: everyday).

Well, we didn't actually make a decision of where to go so when we got in the car Saturday morning (and our buyer was walking down the sidewalk) I didn't know where we were headed.

I mentioned driving to Chattanooga for the weekend because I have heard there are some kid friendly activities (children's museum, aquarium, big red train, and hiking to a waterfall) but really I saw a sweet pair of Barcelona chairs on Chattanooga's Craigslist for $100/each! OH MY! That was a good enough reason for me to go there.

Ernesto vetoed that. He left us to sweat it out.  Mateo will bug you to give up a secret surprise until you cave. So finally Ernesto said "Savannah!"

We have not been there since Mateo was a baby. What a great trip that was!  (look how cute my little Mateo was-who is now almost 5! Ugh!)

What a great town Savannah is! Have you been?

We used our points at the Westin and got a SWEET room up high- right on the river! 
No car needed.  We just hopped on the little ferry in front of the hotel, and five minutes later we were walking the streets.
It was a late night, but these guys held up fairly well.
We were actually just finishing up the final negotiations on our house sale on the ferry back to the hotel.  We were under contract by 1130pm. 
The next day we drove across the bridge to Tybee Island and let the kids do their thing. They are good beach bums.
Apparently baby girls "thing" at the beach is to eat sand. UGH!

Ernesto bought one of these beach tents and it was perfect!  Must get one for San Diego next year! 
We built castles in the sand and ate CAKE BY THE OCEAN!  Ok, no we didn't...but I wanted to.  The kids love that song
It was kind of a long drive for one night, but oh well. Getting to a beach in less than 4 hours is not too bad.  Plus we ate at the Crab Shack in Tybee Island. That is almost worth the tree alone.
What a cool place.  We tore up that seafood platter!
The other highlight to this place? Alligators! Yikes!  Supposedly they are tame though.
 And they do tricks!
 You knew that was fake right? They are not huge, but still scary enough.  The boys loved them and grabbed a pole to start the feeding frenzy.

We had Starbucks and three sleepers on the drive home!! It was the most relaxing part of the trip!


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