Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Boys are Back in School!!!

Wow! That was a quick Summer, wasn't it?  Georgia's school year starts SO. EARLY.
August 3rd?  Are you kidding me?  It's still 90 some degrees out.
I guess I remember Summer being so long when I was young.  I don't think we started until after Labor Day back then.

Oh well, I think we made the most of our Summer.  Swimming, swimming and more swimming!
Oh and that trip to Mexico was THE BOMB!  I haven't even finished part II of the Mexico blog yet, but it is on the way my faithful readers!!

So yes, although short, Summer was fabulous!

Mateo started Pre-K this year.  Due to his late birthday, he will start Kinder next year (when he is almost 6!)  Marcelo will be one year behind him, and I like that.

The state of Georgia funds a "full time" pre-k program for 4 year olds.  That is awesome!  Full time and FREE!?  Yes!  It is a lottery to get in and we unfortunately didn't get in our 1st or 2nd choice of schools.  But hey! 3rd's a charm right?  He is now enrolled in Hope-Hill Elementary School, and loving it!  HHES is in the Old Fourth Ward so while not walkable, like our first choice Parkside Elementary, it is just a 10 minute drive.

I kind of hated pulling him out of the Language Garden pre-school, where he has been immersed in Spanish, again...full time and free!
His best friends Ben and Gabriel are also leaving and starting new schools.  The change will be good for him.

He has come home from school each day saying that he had a great time and is already talking about a couple friends.

He never remembers what went on at school or what he ate for lunch, but he seems to like it and he's not starving when I pick him up at 2:30 everyday.

They actually have a one hour nap time, but he's says he doesn't sleep.  

His teachers Ms. Miller and Ms. Tolen are very friendly and Mateo has nothing but nice things to say about them. They definitely have their hands full with 22 kids in the class. 
Ms Dorsey brings him out to the car everyday.
He looks like such a big boy coming out of school with his HUGE backpack.  
This little guy is continuing year two of pre-school at the Language Garden.  We just love it so much there!  He is going three days a week and loving it.  He "wiwy wiwy" misses Mateo though.
When I pick him up from school, he is often not in the clothes that I dropped him off in.  
This boy gets down and dirty. 

Although drop off and pick-ups are different times, with two parents home it is a breeze.  When xmas lights start rolling it is going to be a challenge, but we still have some time before I need to worry about that.

I think I will just enjoy my free time with a little girl named Paloma, who is little to no trouble at all. 
In fact this is how I feel about both my boys being in school: 
Don't.  Judge. 

1 comment:

  1. What will make returning to school a less bad period?
    1) the best essay writing service (that also propose writing essay that has a type "essay about yourself"/"essay about myself")
    2) great school uniform
    3) new school supplies


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