Thursday, June 02, 2016

School is Out for the Summer!!

Summer Summer Summertime! Time to sit back and unwind!

So, now that school is out, it finally hit me. My biggest baby is moving into Pre-K at a public school [Hope-Hill in Old 4th Ward]. I am REALLY sad that he is leaving The Language Garden because he has LOVED it there and learned so much. He started just after he turned two. (cry cry cry. my baby is growing up.)

Marcelo started there at two as well, and will be returning for just one more year before moving on to Pre-K. Since his birthday is not "late" in the year (like Mateo) He will be just one year behind Mateo in school, and I love that!

Anyhow, for the last day of school it was "field day." Do your schools have field day too or is this an Atlanta thing? All the parents came and we were able to watch the kids at different stations. Painting, bowling, and sac cute.

Papi joined in on a race too.

The school does a "rose ceremony" for graduation, sending off the kids who are leaving (white roses) and welcoming back the ones who will be returning. (yellow roses)
I was sad thinking about Mateo not coming back. Even worse, he doesn't realize it.
He has two friends that he plays with outside of school (and talks about constantly) Ben and Gabriel.
All three are graduating and all three are going to different elementary schools. (his friends are going to kindergarten though)
The good thing is they will still see each other every week at an afternoon Spanish class run by their teacher Dyan (below in the stripe shirt) at her home 2 days a week.
I have met some wonderful people and made a reeeealy good friend or two.
Sue Ellen is the founder and owner of the school and we hang out 2-3 days a week! Our boys are great friends and we stay sain by getting in some quality girl talk on the regular!
Marcelo has recently been talking a lot about Hugh, whom I was able to meet that day. These two are peas in a pod, let me tell you. TROU-BLE.

But so cute!
School is out and the pools are open!! We have basically lived in [a few different] pools the last week. One week into Summer and these guys are already tan and more blonde.
Just wait till the end of the summer....because we plan on living in the water. It is HOT here and being outside only feels good if you are in the water.
My favorite pool is the one at Piedmont Park. The proximity of the tables to the water is the BEST. They have a great little lunch/snack bar, (but I mostly pack our lunch) and a lazy river! And even though I am mostly in the water with the kids, I don't have to be the whole time. Thank God for water wings and lifeguards.
I can hang out with this little girl table side and watch the boys right in front of me.
Or maybe I'll be swimming and Ernesto will relax with the baby.
Isn't that bikini and rashgaurd the cutest. TARGET!
Paloma is a little fashionista already. She doesn't want anyone to see her in the same suit twice..
She get really tired being such a supermodel at the pool, she usually passes out (along with her brothers!) once she hits the car.
A playground just a few blocks from our house got a major face lift last month. They installed the coolest swing ever, Have you seen one of these? Best. Invention. Ever.
Check out the video I took of these two swinging. Its the cutest. No wait. WAIT! This is the cutest.
Is it just me or is she a beauty?!?!?!?! I pinch myself that she is mine!
Something else to throw into this run on post....we finally checked out the Chattahoochee River. Ah yeah,why did this take us 15 years? We need to go kayaking next time!!
We hiked a trail along the river.
We didn't go far, because well, the pace is pretty slow with this clan of curious kids. We stopped on cliffs and crawled into caves...
We stopped and watched tubes floating by and people fishing.
It ended with the kids being stripped down at the car. Because, if there is water nearby (im talking rain, a puddle, or even in a glass) Marcelo will be wet. Mateo slipped on a slippery rock and got wet.
OK. Pool. School. Park. River. What else? Oh! Cookouts and wagon rides too!
Yes, baby girl is pulling up on everything. Needless to say, I can't be standing behind her the whole day, so there have been some spills. Pobrecita, but she is pretty tough. (just like her brothers)
She is changing everyday. My little happy baby. Eight months old in just a few days. As Marcelo says, "I am not liking" how fast the time is flying by.
What have you guys been up to so far this Summer?

1 comment:

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