Tuesday, March 29, 2016

San Diego: Part V (HAPPY EASTER!)

It wasn't a typical Easter, that's for sure.
I am fine with our Easter celebration not being traditional, but it needed to be memorable. And blog/picture worthy, of course!
Low and behold, it was all that and more!
The fun began at 6:30 am. This is early, but much better than 4:30am, which is when Mateo first woke up. He ran downstairs to check if you know who had come already.
"Mami, our baskets are gone! The Easter Bunny hid our baskets!
Papi, go back to sleep, it is still dark!
How many more minutes?
Luckily, he did fall back asleep quickly. BUT! Two hours later he was up and ready to wake his brother and look for baskets. Before I could get Ernesto out of bed, Mateo had found Paloma's basket under the dining table and his under a bunch of pillows on the couch. Minutes later Marcelo found his in the coat closet.

I have to give kudos to the Easter bunny, because this year he filled their baskets with "things to do" instead of a lot of candy.
That is not to say that they didn't eat their fair share......
We still had not colored eggs, so there we were on the patio at 8am with a dozen hard boiled eggs.
We read about an Easter egg hunt at Mission Beach. However, when I went to sign up online it was already sold out. We stuck with the beach plan though and headed towards Coronado.
It may have not been the prettiest morning, but there was no shortage of beautiful scenery. (As is always the case in Coronado)
The boys had their baskets in tow just in case they spotted some eggs. We really didn't know what we would find.
While strolling towards the Hotel Del, Ernesto fell behind. He called us all excited because he had found some eggs in the sand.
Oh the excitement!
As you can see the boys were all dressed up for Easter! Ha!
The bunny himself left those shirts soooooo...there was no question about what they would wear. Hey! It's California...waaaay more casual out here. Shorts are perfectly acceptable:). I did find this cute skirt and shirt at Marshalls. (not specifically for Easter, but it worked) I love how the slit on the back makes this otherwise plain shirt special. (I have since went back and picked up another one in blue)
A Bloody Mary sounded super delish and the Hotel Del is always a good place to go. The Del Beach Bar served up probably the best I have ever had.
Nice and spicy with extra olives...and the kicker...pickled beans and cucumbers! Oh my!
What happen next was just plain lucky.
We reached the hotel and on the big lawn there was a HUGE Easter egg hunt just about to start.
These boys were excited! The MC announced that there were five eggs with a "special gold coin" and kids were only allowed to grab 3 eggs each...but could grab as much candy (that was thrown loose in grass) as possible. And that is exactly what they did.
Mateo followed the directions properly, only putting three eggs in his basket. However he opened many more to see if there was a gold coin inside. They were all empty.
Yes, they had some sugar that day. Look how Mateo's storing candy in his cheeks like a little squirrel.
These boys are like fiends. CANT. GET. ENOUGH. SWEETS.
Sounds like someone else I know.

God knows we both love sweets, but this is definitely the ONE we just can't get enough of...
Isn't that little dress cute? (Do you like it Fred, even though it's yellow?) it has little pink and gray birdies on it.
After the egg hunt, we ran into the Easter bunny himself. The boys got hugs and Mateo asked the bunny if he had hid more eggs in abuela's backyard...because he had forgotten to check out there:)
There were a lot of people there, and that made it exciting. I like crowds. Is that weird?
The sugar crash was inevitable, and we had sleepers on the ride home.
The rest of the day was a family filled food fest. (A Sunday like any other)
I'm glad we ventured out...it's all about making memories right? I mean, who knows if we will ever have a "beach Easter" again?!
Did you guys do anything out of the norm to celebrate Easter?

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