Sunday, October 04, 2015

It's a Girl! Es Niña!!


Born October 3,2015 at 7:48 pm
5lbs 10oz and 18 inches

Last night we received the biggest surprise of our lives....a perfect baby girl. I cried so hard with tears of joy when Ernesto announced "It's a girll!" WHAT A SURPRISE!! I thought for sure she was a he. Also music to my ears was the sound of this early bird crying the minute she was born -whew!- no lung problems.
This is one happy papi....
And mami is just in desbelief. I'm crying happy tears just looking at her. Delivering 4 weeks and 2 days early was very scary, however this tough little baby is absolutely perfect, and I'm recovering just fine. In fact the doctor said I can probably go home after two nights in the hospital instead of the standard three after a c-section.
Just like Mateo, Paloma was breech, so her legs just want to stay in this position for a bit.
She is soooooooo sleepy. Like extra sleepy, which is typical of being born so early. She did take to nursing right away, although they have been very short feedings because it is hard to keep her awake. In fact, last night she slept from 2 am to 10 am. (I did try to wake her up to feed her at 6am, but to no avail)
We haven't even really gotten a good looks at her eyes yet.
Her little face is so beautiful though. And just like her brothers, she has a full head of dark hair.

I did not sleep as well as she did. After having a spinal block, I was itching all night, plus just the excitement of having this little beauty next to me was too much. Ernesto stayed with me overnight while the boys had an impromtu sleepover at our neighbors. (thanks Carolyn and Mark!)

We are so happy...our family of five is complete! Let the games begin!

Ps. Birth story and a lot more pics coming soon!

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