Friday, July 03, 2015

A Couple Days at Callaway Gardens

After 2 days of being on my feet non-stop (from party-prep) I was ready to relax! We did just that on the beach on Robin Lake at Callaway Gardens. We have been there a couple times before. Once on a day trip with my parents when Mateo was a baby, and another time we spent a couple nights when I was about to pop with Marcelo - our last trip as a family of three.
Ernesto bought a golf package and we took my parents (who were in town for Marcelo's birthday) as a late father's day gift. My dad bet Ernesto that we would not be out of the house by noon (Ernesto said 7am! ha) but we actually left by 9am, so I thought that was pretty good.

After the hour+ drive, the kids were excited to reach the beach and like I've said before, when they are happy, I am happy.
No waves, and practically bath water, Robin Lake is a great place to spend a day!
Here I am showing off my 22 week belly.
On a side note: I feel pretty good about how I look here guys, but when the skirt came off that changed. I was like a sausage stuffed in this non-maternity one piece. That suit saw it's last beach/pool until next year. Now that all of the sugar cookies, cake and ice cream from Marcelo's party has set in, I will definitely need to buy a maternity suit.
Everyone was pretty tired. The sun just does that to you right? We ordered take out BBQ from Three Little Piggies and ate outside the Mountain Creek Inn (which is right down the street from the park entrance). They have a tranquil courtyard with tables.
Tranquil, that is, until we arrived.
The koi had to do some fancy swimming to keep up.
We stayed at this Inn back in 2013 and we really liked it. The package Ernesto bought was for two golfers in one room. It was probably not intended for four other family members to tag along, but we are a close family. Yep, we did it...all six of us in one room!
Of course, the boys did not nap that day, and Marcelo was so overtired that he couldn't go to sleep. At 8pm, my mom and I loaded them up in the car. We were going to buy some breakfast items, and in 2 minutes, both were out like a light. Whew! So much easier. Unfortunately that didnt last long, and Marcelo woke up screaming 2x during the night. I had to take him out to the car. UGH! That NEVER happens and of course it was a night we were sharing a hotel room! No bueno - Sorry padres!
The next morning this guy woke up as happy as can be. We woke up tired, but can you be annoyed with a face like this?
The guys had an early tee time, so my mom and I headed into the Gardens. First stop, the butterfly garden.

The boys now know what a gift shop is, and it is never much fun to venture in with them.
No Marcelo, I am not buying you four squishy catapilars! Mateo had about 5 things picked out, but we finally narrowed them down to two bug catching kits.
These were at total hit, and although overpriced (as most gift shop items are) wood buy for a couple hours of entertainment. The boys kept their eyes on the ground waiting for a bug to walk by. They were a great team!
What we ended up finding were tiny frogs. So exciting!
We captured 4, but after an hour or so they started really slowing down in the cages, so the boys agreed to set them free.
We sat through most of the birds of prey show, before needing to escape. They are not quite ready for bird lectures yet. Watching the fish and turtles is more their style. Anything where they don't have to be quiet is more their style.
Oh and running with no restrains.
These troopers fell asleep like clockwork while my mom and I strolled arouNd the art exhibit inside.
We sat in rocking chairs chatting until the guys were finished golfing and joined us outside for more adult conversation. We made our way back to Atlanta that evening and my parents flew home the next morning. Although they may not want to share a hotel room with us again (always an adventure!) I think they had great time. I know we did!
If you live in Atlanta, Callaway Gardens is definitley worth a trip. Check it out.

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